Mayan Artwork

Mayan Artwork

Over the past few weeks Year 6 have been busy out in Forest School being inspired by nature.

After studying Central and South America in Geography and continuing to look at the Ancient Mayans in History the Year 6’s have been thinking of how they could create a textile piece inspired by the Mayan period of time. This has included creating dyes to colour their fabric and using charcoal to draw out their patterns.

This has gone hand in hand with the natural environment and what patterns they have been able to find from the natural worlds, as the Mayans would have done for their own textiles.




Forest Fossils

Forest School Fossils


Year 6 were back out in Forest school for a small part of the morning creating some fossils using shells and other natural materials from around the forest school area.

They had a morning looking at evolution, looking at where different animals started from and then created what they predict they may evolve into in the future!


Darwin Day 2

Darwin Geography

Our year 6’s this morning continued their learning about Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle. They began the morning plotting his route on a world map, and followed this up by writing letters home describing their journey, and finally decorating bottles that their letters could be stored in.

Darwin Day


Forest School Science

Some of our Y6’s made use of the good weather today and got out into Forest School to put Charles Darwin’s theory into practise. After starting the morning off doing research into the local, famous scientist, our Year 6 children went out to see how survival of the fittest and natural selection looked in a rather tasty way…


Art in Forest School

The rain didn’t dampen the spirits of Year 6 today when they went into Forest School for their first art lesson of the half term. They enjoyed exploring the grounds to find natural shapes and patterns after analysing different textiles.

World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.



Academy Conversion Section 5 Stakeholder Consultation


Following approval of the school’s recent application to become an Academy, and receiving an Academy Order from the DfE, the Local Governing Body of Apley Wood are carrying out a consultation with all stakeholders of the local community. The aim of the consultation is to  approach stakeholders asking them whether they are happy for the school to become an Academy and join REAch2 Academy Trust in entering into a funding agreement with the Secretary of State to establish a new primary academy. This consultation is in accordance with Section 5 of the Academies Act (2010).

The consultation will commence on Monday 15th January 2024 at 9:00am, and close on Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5:00pm.

A parent meeting will take place at school on Monday 29th January 2pm-3pm where there will be opportunity to ask questions and meet some of the REAch2 Team.

Please see the letter below and some FAQs.

Apley Wood FAQs REAch2 – Jan 2024 

FINAL Apley Wood Section 5 consultation – Jan 2024