Year 6 pupil Charity Fundraising

We are all very proud of James in year 6 who has completed some charity fundraising over the summer for TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre).  We worked with TAARC in school last year who delivered workshops about racism and black history month for our children and James chose to pogo stick for 30 minutes to raise additional funds for them.  Heather Reid from TAARC, came into school this week to present James with a certificate and found out that James is going to continue doing sponsored events for them, with a sponsored walk.  If you would like to sponsor James, please click on the link below:  James has said “I am walking the 14 miles of the Silkin way in Telford. This is to raise money for the charity TAARC who go into schools to provide workshops and support children who are facing racism. After having experienced racism, I want to raise awareness and make sure we stop racism full stop in our schools so other children don’t have to experience it. Please donate and help me make a difference.#StopRacismFullstop.”


Return to School (Year 6)

Welcome Back!

We hope you have had an amazing and well-rested summer holiday.

Our Year 6 PE days are as following:

  • Monday (Indoor)
  • Wednesday (Outdoor)

Please send your children into school wearing PE kit on those days.

We can’t wait to welcome you all back 🙂

Year 6

Year 6 Sports Day

Today, Year 6 participated in their final Sports Day here at Apley Wood. From javelin to the 100m hurdles, everyone had such an amazing time. A special thank you to the weather for staying so warm as well!

Year 6 Reports

Hi all,

Today, we have finally had full confirmation of our Year 6 SAT’s results and these have just been added to your child’s end of year report!

We are absolutely delighted with everyone’s hard work and focus this year.

The SAT’s results, along with your child’s end of year report, will be sent out tomorrow.

Year 6

STEAM week

To celebrate STEAM week, children from Reception to Year 6 have dressed up as famous scientists, astronauts and musicians!

Have a look at some of the amazing costumes from today!

Summer Holiday Activities

Telford Urban Games – Free Sports Activities

Looking for something different to do this Summer Holiday?

Urban Games is Telford & Wrekin Council’s free programme of sports for kids, aged eight to 16, and wildlife activities for little ones, all taking place in a supervised space. It’s a great chance for children to have fun and learn new skills.

There really is something for everyone and with the Paris Olympics taking place this summer, children can get in on the action by having a go at archery, fencing, football, wrestling and table tennis.

All activities are run by qualified professionals at locations across the borough. There is no need to book a place.

Sessions are free to attend funded by the council’s Safer & Stronger Communities programme with support from the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

Click here for flyer

Online Safety Parental Controls user guide

This guide will help you set up parental controls and adjust privacy settings to provide your
child with a safer online environment. Parental controls can help to protect your child from
seeing something that they shouldn’t — although it is important to emphasise that no system
is effective all of the time, so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about
their online life regularly.
