Apley Wood Walk – 22.01.24

This morning Base 12 walked to Apley Woods and enjoyed finding evidence of some ‘lost children’ dotted around! They showcased some wonderful teamwork inferring from the clues as well as enjoying some time surrounded by the nature of Apley!  

London Parent Information

If you were unable to come to the London parent meeting, please find attached some information which you may find useful regarding the visit itinerary and what to pack.

power point for parents

09.01.24 – Year 5 are lost in the Amazon!

As part of our new Love to Read lessons, Year 5 had experienced an ‘aeroplane crash’ and were deserted in the Amazon Rainforest! They had to build a den that would shield them and protect them from the wilderness that is the Amazon Rainforest!


With only the blurb information to go from, Year 5 were also asked to generate a front cover for the text ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. We think you will agree that they are quite the art masterpieces!


London Parents’ Meeting

Just a reminder that there will be a short meeting on Monday 15th January at 3:30 in base 13 for any parents whose children are going on the London trip.

This meeting is not compulsory as the key information was given on the original letter sent in June however this meeting will inform parents of the plan for the two days in slightly more detail, specifically including what the children will and won’t need to bring with them.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!

We hope that you have all rested and had a lovely Christmas and New Year break.

In Spring, our PE days have changed slightly:

Wednesdays – Swimming (please ensure your child brings their swimming kit each week)

Thursdays – Outdoor PE.


Homework will continue to be checked every Friday. This will include Spelling test, CPG book and My Maths.


Reading Records should be in school every day please.


See you Monday!

-Miss Perks and Mrs Stinson

London Parents’ Meeting

There will be a short meeting on Monday 15th January at 3:30 in base 13 for any parents whose children are going on the London trip.

This meeting is not compulsory as the key information was given on the original letter sent in June however this meeting will inform parents of the plan for the two days in slightly more detail, specifically including what the children will and won’t need to bring with them.

Year 5 Forest School

We are excited to let you know that on a Thursday afternoon, Year 5 have been given a Forest School session. Please ensure that your child brings a waterproof coat and a spare pair of outdoor shoes (wellies/trainers) in a carrier bag.