General information about remote learning

Good morning,

We would just like to inform you how our remote learning will work:

  1. Matching the remote learning timetables each week,  work and links will be published on Microsoft Teams. From 9am each morning, that day’s work will be available.
  2. If any children or parents have any questions, please email us so that the relevant ‘remote learning teacher’ for that day can reply to you. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, please send your email to both and On Thursdays and Fridays, please replace Mrs Richards’ email address with
  3. We will be available to respond to emails and mark work submitted by the children during the hours of 9-3 daily. If you do not get an immediate response, please bear with us. We will get back to you as and when we can.
  4. The only time slot that we will not be available to respond to emails is between 12.30-3 each Tuesday as that is our planning slot.

Thank you,

The Year 5 team.


If you need a little extra help with your SPAG work this term or want some practice with certain concepts, use the BBC Bitesize link below.

BBC Bitesize


Year 5 Remote Learning

From today, all work set will be available on Teams for you to complete and return.

Well done to those who have already done this!

Remote Learning Timetable from 7th January

Here is a link to this week’s remote learning timetable. The Maths Link for Thursday 7th January has been updated.

A reminder that work has been set on Teams for the children to complete.

4th Jan Timetable V2

General information about remote learning

Good afternoon,

We hope you all had a good break. We would just like to inform you how our remote learning will work:

  1. Matching the remote learning timetables each week,  work and links will be published on Microsoft Teams. From 9am each morning, that day’s work will be available.
  2. If any children or parents have any questions, please email us so that the relevant ‘remote learning teacher’ for that day can reply to you. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, please send your email to both and On Thursdays and Fridays, please replace Mrs Richards’ email address with
  3. We will be available to respond to emails and mark work submitted by the children during the hours of 9-3 daily. If you do not get an immediate response, please bear with us. We will get back to you as and when we can.
  4. The only time slot that we will not be available to respond to emails is between 12.30-3 each Tuesday as that is our planning slot.

Thank you,

The Year 5 team.

Year 5 Spellings and SPAG Homework

Homework will be set again on the first Friday back to school.