Year 5 Music Service – 25.09.23

Base 13 were very excited to welcome Brandon, from the Music Service, into class this afternoon to start our Music lessons this term. We used Garage Band on the iPads to start to make our own beats and rhythms.
Base 12 are going to enjoy this next week!

Spellings – Week 4

Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 29th September.

Year 5 Forest School

We are excited to let you know that on a Thursday afternoon, Year 5 have been given a Forest School session. Please ensure that your child brings a waterproof coat and a spare pair of outdoor shoes (wellies/trainers) in a carrier bag.

Base 13 Thermal Conductors and Insulators Experiment – 20.09.23

This afternoon, in Base 13, we have been testing different materials to see which is the best thermal insulator. We were challenged to find out which cup (china, cardboard, polystyrene or plastic) would keep the water the hottest, for the longest. Great teamwork Base 13!

Year 5 Maths

Today in Year 5, we explored using a Gattegno chart to represent place value. We multiplied and divided numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 by moving counters up and down the chart. This has really helped us understand how numbers relate to eachother.

Year 5 Computing!

Year 5 have been creating paper databases in preparation for generating an electronic database.

They created records including fields which then helped them to sort into alphabetical order and group according to information such as ‘with six legs’.

Have a look at some examples!

We can’t wait to see this translated into the world of technology!

Spellings – Week 3

Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 22nd September.


Week 3 – Homework

CPG – SPAG Homework – Due Friday 22nd September – Complete Page 36

My Maths – Due Friday 22nd September – This has been set but I have attached the link for you in case-

Spelling – See Spelling page or below.

Autumn Homework Project –

Choose an activity off the grid below to complete based on Ancient Greece!

Safeguarding Squad

We are delighted to share our Safeguarding Squad for the school year.  These children from Year 5 and Year 6 will be working alongside Mr Yardley and Mrs Smith, supporting us with pupil voice activities to keep children safe and deliver very important messages through class workshops and assemblies.