Maths Week 2019!

As part of Maths Week 2019, TT Rockstars are encouraging children to play on TT Rockstars as much as possible. They are holding a competition that we have entered. Please see the poster below:

Please encourage your children to go on TT Rockstars as much as possible and I look forward to seeing all of their success.

Mr Taylor


First Aid Workshop

Base 11 enjoyed learning some first aid skills yesterday afternoon in a workshop with Mr Murphy. They learnt how to put on a sling, treat a nosebleed, spot hazards in the home and how to contact the emergency services.

Creepy Crawlies and Cuddly Creatures!

Year 5 had a fantastic morning with the Exotic Zoo. They got to meet and handle many animals from the rainforest and desert. They listened brilliantly and shared all of their knowledge really well. Well done Year 5!

Rumble in the Jungle!

Year 5 had a great afternoon creating their own Rainforest themed computer game using Scratch3 with Mr Smith. They used some great problem solving skills to debug their programs when they were coding.


Base 11 and 12 planned and carried out their own investigations in science today. They controlled their variables and worked well in groups to set up their investigations. Well done Year 5!

Plant Investigators

Base 11 and 12 worked really hard today to dissect a flower and label all of the parts. They used scientific language to describe their work. Well done Year 5!


Waxing or Waning?

Year 5 were very resilient when they created some moving models to demonstrate the different phases of the moon. They used these models to explain how the moon appears to change shape across a 28 day cycle and some pupils explained this to Year 2. Excellent work, Year 5!


Year 6 Residential Trip to Arthog Monday 11th November – Friday 15th November.

Take a look at the Year 6 letter to Arthog

Arthog November 2019