Weekly Challenge – Let the Games Begin!

Good Morning Year 5! We hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

This week, we would like you to create your very own board game. This could be an adapted version of your favourite board game or you can design your own from scratch. Your board game could include: a name or title, different pieces, question or challenge cards and the board itself. Then, create a list of rules for your players to use. When you’ve finished, could you ask someone in your house to play the game with you?

Some useful resources and examples to help:

Design Your Own Board Game Worksheets

Editable Multicolour Card Templates

Game Cards

Instructions Writing Frame Template Differentiated

Blank Board Game Template

Board Game

As always, please keep sending in your photos of your weekly challenges via the school email. We love seeing what you’ve been working on throughout the week.

Home Learning Update – Spectacular Space Project

Isobel from B11 has been working incredibly hard to finish her Space project. She has created an impressive model of the whole solar system as well as an informative PowerPoint all about our wonderful Planet Earth. What an amazing project Isobel – well done! Check it out below:

Issy project space (1)

Isobel misses everyone and hopes to see you all soon. It’s wonderful to see your work, Isobel – keep it up and keep smiling!

Home Leaning Update

Ashton enjoyed making lots of decorations for the VE Day celebrations on Friday. Excellent job, Ashton – they look amazing!

Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

Ross from B12 has been really busy again this week completing his Vikings challenge. Not only that, but he has also roped his big sister in on the work too – well done Ross!

A message from the children in school

After seeing our staff video message, some of the children in school wanted to write messages to their teachers, classes and family members. We really enjoyed putting this video together. There were a lot of laughs and retakes involved! Enjoy!

Lockdown song challenge

Lockdown has been something totally new for all of us. It has never happened before in our lifetimes. You must have been experiencing an extremely different way of life so I thought it would be a good opportunity to write a song.

1) Write lyrics to a song all about lockdown. Think about what has been happening in the country (e.g. shops, schools, family time…). 

2) Come up with a rhythm for your song. Maybe include rhyme to help you? You could always write a rap.

3) If you’re at home, perform your song to your family. If you’re at school, perform your song to the other children in school.

Please send a photograph of your lyrics to me at rebecca.richards@taw.org.uk along with your name and your base. I can then add it to your year group’s page.

I am excited to see your lyrics!

Mrs Richards

VE Day music and drama

On VE Day, the children learnt Makaton for the song “We’ll meet again”, quoted Winston Churchill and released planes to symbolise the end of the war. We were extremely impressed with how much the children cared about making this day special. Well done!

60 Second Active Challenges

Are you up for the challenge?

Each day this week I’d like you to have a go at a 60 second active challenge. Time 60 seconds and see how high you can score! What personal best can you achieve? Can you even achieve bronze, silver or gold?

Monday: Around the World Challenge       Miss Whitehouse’s score: 36 (I used a pillow) 

Tuesday: Tuck In Tuck Out Challenge      Miss Whitehouse’s score: 17 (tired legs now!)

Wednesday: Catch and Clap Challenge  Miss Whitehouse’s score: 38 (I used a teddy)*

Thursday: Step Ups Challenge   Miss Whitehouse’s score: 32 (try to get into a rhythm)**

Friday: Obstacle Challenge        Miss Whitehouse’s score: 29 (now to tidy up!) 

Keep a record of your score each day (or ask an adult to) then share with me how well you’ve done. Can you set a record for your year group?

I’ll update the post each day with my score. Can you challenge me?

Email your name, base and achievements (and photos as I’d love to see you in action!) to: april.whitehouse@taw.org.uk

Stay Active! Stay Healthy!


* for the catch and clap challenge I used a balloon first and scored 29, so I tried using a teddy to challenge myself and got a new personal best!


** I tried this 8 times! My personal best was 32 and my legs couldn’t physically move up and down the step any quicker! I’m very curious whether anyone can achieve silver (or even gold) because my tired legs are telling me that it’s impossible!

Home Learning Update

Ross has been working incredibly hard to complete his Space homework project all about his planet “Plutonimous”. The detail is great and Ross has clearly spent a lot of time creating it. Take a look at the interesting information and the very impressive model. Well done, Ross – what a fantastic project!