Year 5 Spellings w/c 22nd April

This week’s spellings are below:


We will have our Spelling Test on Friday 26th April.

Year 5 PE – Cricket – 16.04.24

This half term, in PE, we are learning about Cricket. Luckily, Mrs Stinson’s husband is an avid cricketer and has sent in his full cricket kit for us to look at. This inspired us to get stuck in to our introduction to bowling out on the field.


Year 5 PE

As we no longer have swimming on a Wednesday, PE days for Year 5 are now Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please make sure that you wear your PE kit on these days and that you are wearing appropriate footwear.


Mrs Stinson and Miss Perks


West Mercia Police Parents, Guardians and Carers Webinar Series – April 2024

West Mercia Police are hosting four webinars directed at Parents, Guardians and Carers.  Two focusing on the Prevent network and how referrals can be made if they have concerns and two focusing on the Protect Network, giving advice on how to keep families safe online.  These are presented by West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit in conjunction with the West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit.

Cyber Prevent Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to make a referral into the Cyber Choices programme; an explanation of how it operates and what to look out for with children in your care.

8th April2024  at 6pm


29th April 2024 at 6pm

Cyber Protect Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to keep yourself and your family safe online. This will be presented by West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit Prevent Team in conjunction with West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit.


24th April 2024 at 6pm


8th May 2024 at 6pm –


Year 5 – Base 13 English – 14.03.24

This week, in Base 13, we looked at the correct use of colons and commas. The children worked in groups to organise sentences using colons and commas correctly.

The team work was great and we even thought of our own sentences about what Mrs Stinson would like to have in her classroom using a colon and commas in the right way.

Well done Base 13!

Base 13 – World Book Day – 11.03.24

We have had a great time so far on World Book Day in Base 13. We really enjoyed the author visit and Mrs Stinson read one of her favourite books from her childhood, “Happy Mouseday”.

We’ve then written our own book reviews of some of our favourite books.

Well done Base 13!





Formula 1 in school! – 26.02.24

On Monday, Year 5 took part in a STEM workshop where they got to design, build and race miniature F1 cars! They had the best time in their groups with assigned roles such as: Team Leader, Manufacturing Engineer, Graphic Designer, Design Engineer! There are definitely some budding engineers at Apley!

Year 5 visit Oz!

Last half term, Year 5 walked up to Charlton to watch their performance of The Wizard of Oz! They all thought it was amazing and were great ambassadors for Apley!