Year 5 – Football lesson – 24.09.24

This week, in PE, Year 5 continued to work on passing and stopping the ball when playing football. Everyone worked really well in groups and were able to use the skills they learnt last week to help them progress further when playing their mini games.

Well done everyone!

Year 5 Violin – 19.9.24

On Thursday, Year 5 started their Music lessons, which are being taught by the Shropshire Music Service this term.

Everyone loved getting to learn about the different parts of the violin, holding it correctly and we even had a go at playing a tune by plucking the strings.

We can’t wait for next week!


Year 5 – Hook into Writing – 10.09.24

Today, Year 5 completed our ‘Hook into Writing’ activity.

In English, we are going to be writing Non-Chronological Reports about Space so we took the chance to use the iPads to find different constellations and planets in the solar system.

It was so interesting and lots of us saw some of the different star sign constellations and even found the Space Station!

Year 5 – A Great Start!

We just wanted to say a huge well done to all of Year 5 for their amazing attitudes to their learning this week.

We’ve had some great lessons, discussions, some amazing signs of brilliant teamwork throughout the week and lots of fun too!

From working in teams in outdoor PE with Mr Mountford, learning about databases in Computing and starting a dance in Indoor PE, to starting our learning about the Ancient Greeks and drawing our own mythical creatures in Love to Read, it’s been a fantastic start to the year!

Year 5 Spellings and Homework 6th September 2024

SPAG Booklet pages – p4 (Nouns) p5 (Verbs)

Spellings are:

These will be marked and tested next Friday (13th September).

Welcome to Year 5!

We hope you all had a great summer holiday and are looking forward to coming back to school and starting your time in Year 5.

We have lots of exciting things planned for you this year and we can’t wait to get started with you this term.

Our PE days this year will be Tuesday and Thursday.

We will be setting homework every Friday and this will be due in and marked the following Friday.

Spellings will be given on a Friday, definitions will be discussed on a Monday and these will be tested on a Friday.

Mrs Stinson and Mrs Rowe

Base 13 STEAM Project Update – 17.07.24

Year 5 have continued their STEAM project today.
In Base 13, we have started to paint our planets to match the colours of the different planets in the Solar System. We are so impressed with everyone’s determination and attention to detail.
Well done!