Year 4 Weekly Challenge

Hi Year 4

Well we are in our last week now and you will soon be moving to your next classes. It has been lovely working with you all and I know you will continue to try hard as you move on to your Year 5 adventure.

For your last writing challenge, I would like you to write a letter to your new teacher. You could tell them all about:

  • you and your family
  • likes and dislikes
  • hobbies
  • pets
  • favourite subjects
  • your friends
  • how you have spent lockdown
  • what you are looking forward to in Year 5

I will pass any letters on that are sent into school at

Enjoy your Summer

Mrs Beardwood

Home learning tasks

Hello Year 4!

Here are some tasks for you to complete while learning from home this week.


Home learning video links

Lesson 1 – Identify angles

Lesson 1 Answers – Identify angles

Lesson 2 – Compare and order angles

Lesson 2 Answers – Compare and order angles

Lesson 3 – Triangles

Lesson 3 Answers – Triangles

Lesson 4 – Quadrilaterals

Lesson 4 Answers – Quadrilaterals


Year 4 Summer term 1 mat 5

Year 4 Summer term 1 mat 6

These are a selection of differentiated SPAG questions. Each document contains three pages of SPAG questions for you to choose from, along with a copy of the answers so that you can check how well you’ve done. If you find you have forgotten any of the SPAG terms (eg. adverbial), this document will help you with the definitions: Terminology-table.


We love to see what you’re getting up to while you’re home learning, so remember to send in photos on both you and your work to

Home learning tasks

Hello Year 4!

Here are some tasks for you to complete while learning from home this week.


Home learning video links

Lesson 1 – Interpret charts 2020

Lesson 1 Answers – Interpret charts

Lesson 2 – Comparison sum and difference

Lesson 2 Answers – Comparison sum and difference

Lesson 3 – Introducing line graphs

Lesson 3 Answers – Introducing line graphs

Lesson 4 – Line graphs

Lesson 4 Answers – Line graphs


Year 4 Summer term 1 mat 3

Year 4 Summer term 1 mat 4

These are a selection of differentiated SPAG questions. Each document contains three pages of SPAG questions for you to choose from, along with a copy of the answers so that you can check how well you’ve done. If you find you have forgotten any of the SPAG terms (eg. adverbial), this document will help you with the definitions: Terminology-table.


We would like you to write a poem based on the weather. You could use the 5 senses to help structure your poem and consider whether or not you want to use rhyme. Have a go at using alliteration and expanded noun phrases to help engage the reader.

We love to see what you’re getting up to while you’re home learning, so remember to send in photos on both you and your work to


Home learning tasks

Hello Year 4!

Here are some tasks for you to complete while learning from home this week.


Home learning video links

Lesson 1 – Pounds and pence

Lesson 1 Answers – Pounds and pence

Lesson 2 – Ordering money

Lesson 2 Answers – Ordering money

Lesson 3 – Estimating money

Lesson 3 Answers – Estimating money

Lesson 4 – Four operations

Lesson 4 Answers – Four operations


Year 4 Summer term 1 mat 1

Year 4 Summer term 1 mat 2

These are a selection of differentiated SPAG questions. Each document contains three pages of SPAG questions for you to choose from, along with a copy of the answers so that you can check how well you’ve done. If you find you have forgotten any of the SPAG terms (eg. adverbial), this document will help you with the definitions: Terminology-table.


As this term’s science topic is Animals including humans, this week we would like you to make a ‘Fact File’ based on an animal that lives in your local environment. To plan it, you could make a mind map of everything you know about that animal and use this to structure your fact file and identify any areas you need to research. You could include information about: appearance, diet, habitat, life cycle, interesting facts- include as much information as you can!

We love to see what you’re getting up to while you’re home learning, so remember to send in photos on both you and your work to

Year 4 White Rose: Week 8

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all well!

Here are the video links for this week’s White Rose Maths tasks:

Below are this weeks White Rose Maths tasks and their accompanying answers:

Lesson 1 – Write decimals 2020

Lesson 1 Answers – Write decimals 2020

Lesson 2 – Compare decimals 2020

Lesson 2 Answers – Compare decimals 2020

Lesson 3 – Order decimals 2020

Lesson 3 Answers – Order decimals 2020

Lesson 4 – Round decimals 2020

Lesson 4 Answers – Round decimals 2020

Have fun and take care,

Mr Taylor

Virtual STW School Games – Challenge 4

Challenge 4 for the Virtual STW School Games is BOCCIA!!!!

  • Please send in a video and a photo along with your best score (you can use the score sheet attached if you wish).
  • All videos/photos and scores should be sent to
  • You must include the child’s name, age, year group and school and whether there is parental consent for videos/photos to be shared on their social media platforms.
  • We would also love it if you could cc us into the email so that we can admire your skills and share them on the school website: and


If you would like to watch a video example of how you could complete this challenge, open the document below and follow the video links.

This is Challenge 4 however you can still complete the previous challenges at any time and send in your entries- final entry for all challenges is the 29th June. Remember, for each entry you will receive a participation certificate and be in for the chance to win medals, wristbands and t-shirts!

We look forward to seeing all your photos and videos #BocciaChallenge


Challenge 4- Boccia

Home Learning Pack

Hello Year 4! Hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunny weather.

Here are a range of documents that you can work through at home to compliment the great online resources that are available. Remember, you don’t need to print all of these off unless you want to – you can write down your answers on a piece of paper/notebook.


  • Year 4 Summer Themed Maths Booklet
  • Mr Taylor has also shared this week’s White Rose maths learning for you to have a go at, which is a great resource to develop learning across a sequence of lessons. These will be shared every week and include very helpful videos for you to follow so make sure you look out for them!




  • If you’re looking for an entertaining way to revise key facts and share them with your family, why not make a themed ‘fortune teller’. Here’s an example Henry VIII Fortune Teller which links your summer History topic – the Tudors. You could even use this as inspiration to make ‘fortune tellers’ for other subjects such as your science topic ‘Animals including Humans’. We’d love to see what you can come up with!