Week 3

It has been another great week in Year 4.

The children worked together as a team to create their own electrical circuits, wrote a biography all about the influence of Alexander Graham Bell, and began exploring the artwork of our focus artist Gustav Klimt!

We are also really enjoying our class story ‘There’s a Pharaoh in Our Bath!’ which links to our Ancient Egyptian topic we will study in History next term.


School Council Elections

It’s been another fantastic week for year 4 with lots of hard work completed.

This week the children have also had the chance to nominate themselves for school council. We heard some fantastic, well-considered speeches. Each base voted and the winners were decided.

Base 11 – Evie and William

Base 14 – Christopher and Emmy

Congratulations to all four and very well done to all of those who were brave enough to stand up and present their speeches.

Year 4 first week back

What a fantastic start to the year we have had! Year 4 have been amazing. They have been ready, respectful and safe. They have worked incredibly hard and we are already so proud of them and their beautiful manners and positive attitude to school.

Keep it up!


Welcome back and welcome to year 4!

We hope you’ve all had a wonderfully relaxing summer.

Please find below some useful information which you will also find in the front of your child’s reading record.

Each week, spelling and maths homework will be set.

Spelling homework will be sent home on Friday stuck in the reading record. Please can you ensure that your child copies out their spellings each night and practises for the following Friday before we have our spelling test.

Maths homework is set via MyMaths every Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday.

Please try to read with your child as much as possible at home and question them on what they are reading – ideally 3x a week.

Our PE days are Monday (outdoors) and Thursday (indoors) so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on those days.

Each pupil has their own Times Table Rock Stars login. It would be very beneficial to your child if they could play on this at least weekly in preparation for their Times Tables Speed Check in June.

We will update the website weekly with photos and information and you will always find the spellings, PE days and weekly timetables here so do stop by regularly.

Thank you,

Miss Edwards, Mr Spragg and Mrs Williams

Online Safety booklet – parent controls advice

Please see the booklet below which contains advice about how to set parental controls on a wide range of devices and APPs.  the advice included covers both microsoft and Apple devices, hardware include Amazon Alexa, a range of controls for broadband providers and also, varied social media and streaming sources including you tube and netflix.
