Love to Read

This week we have began our Love to Read lessons. Year 4 returned to school after the holidays to find a mysterious bag left. We used our investigation skills to question where this bag is from and who it belongs to. In the bottom of the bag was a book called ‘Smile!’. From reading the blurb, we discovered the bag belonged to Flash who had been in a plane crash and ended up having to be saved in the desert. We can’t wait to find out what happened to him…

Steady Hand Game- Design and Technology

In our DT lessons, we have been looking at planning and creating an electrical circuit game. Today, the children really enjoyed creating their own steady hand game which they then had a go at playing.

Year 4 Forest School

Year 4 will be taking part in Forest School on Thursday 23rd November. Warm clothing and outdoor footwear to be worn please. Letters coming home tonight.

Year 4 Children In Need

There was no need for face paint today due to all of the hot, red faces after dancing and keeping fit for Children in Need. Year 4 had a great time and a great time and gave it there all. Well done and thank you to Mr Mountford for arranging it.


This week, Year 4 have been celebrating remembrance day. We have learnt what remembrance is, and why we celebrate it. Everyone in school created their own poppy and we took them into assembly to create our own poppy field. We also held a two minute silence in respect to the soldiers who fought for our country.

Christmas Smile Project – Donation point

More vulnerable people in Telford will have the chance to open a present on Christmas Day this year because of YOU!

Apley wood Primary School is pleased to support the Christmas Smile Project for the second year running by hosting a closed donation point for you to drop off kind donations of gifts and presents for vulnerable children and adults living in Telford.

The project needs your donations to be new and un-opened, suitable for children and young people aged 0-17 years, vulnerable adults and the elderly.  A drop-off point will be located in the main school reception area, or children may bring them into school to take to the office.

Please do not wrap your gifts as they will be checked and sorted by the Christmas Smile volunteer elves before being carefully selected for the recipient.

 Gift ideas might include:-


Children 0-2

Cuddly Toys, baby clothes, puzzles, soft balls, rattles, baby books.

Children 3-6

Colouring books and pencils, books, hats, gloves, scarves, early board games, toy cars, dolls, arts & crafts, kites, popular character toys.

Children 7-10

Footballs, Frisbees, kites, hats, gloves, scarves, pencil cases, jewellery, craft kits, books, puzzles, scooters, roller skates, board games.

Teens 11-16

Sports equipment, hats, gloves, scarves, toiletry sets, jewellery makeup, nail varnish, purses, wallets, bags, PJs, Onesies/Oodies, mugs/travel cups, drinks bottles, rucksacks, board games.


Board Games, selection boxes, biscuits, chocolates, sweet treats (all long dates).


Bath/shower sets, aftershave, books, gloves, scarf, nightwear, puzzle books, pens and pencils,

hand warmers, bed socks, mugs, food gift sets, blankets, gardening equipment. 


Pep the Poet Visit

Year 4 have been very lucky today to have the fantastic Pep the Poet in our school. Pep visited our classrooms to deliver a poetry workshop where he read some of his own poems. We all had lots of fun and he even got some of the children to dress up as pirates!