Year 3 and 4 Sports’ Day

Despite the gathering clouds, the drizzling rain and umbrellas going up all around, the year 3 and 4 sports’ day went ahead with enormous success: so much so that by the end, the rain had disappeared.

The children gave their all to the field and track events and there was great success, achievement and fun all around. We definitely have some future archers and javelin throwers in our midst.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported the children, even in the not-so glorious summer weather.

Online Safety Parental Controls user guide

This guide will help you set up parental controls and adjust privacy settings to provide your
child with a safer online environment. Parental controls can help to protect your child from
seeing something that they shouldn’t — although it is important to emphasise that no system
is effective all of the time, so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about
their online life regularly.


New ‘Tech Team’ 2024/25 – 28.06.24

In September, there will be a new ‘Tech Team’ working with Mrs Stinson to ensure that our Computing curriculum runs smoothly.

Responsibilities will include ensuring devices are stored and charged correctly, running assemblies linked to Online Safety and be a part of the organisation and running of the Internet Safety Day assembly and activities.

This responsibility is open to current Year 4 and Year 5 pupils only (September Year 5 and 6 pupils).

Any children interested should tell Mrs Stinson and write a letter outlining reasons as to why they should be considered to be a part of the team by Wednesday 10th July.


PE – Thursday 20th photo day

Just a reminder to parents to please send your children into school in their school uniform on photo day.

Children can bring their PE kit in a bag in order to have any sports team photos taken.

Base 11 will have PE in the afternoon this week.

Free Parent Online safety workshop delivered by West Mercia Police

Join a free one hour online parent awareness session to give yourself a head start in an ever changing digital world. Please see the link below for how to book for the workshop.

Protect our children A5 flyer PARENT-GUARDIAN


Earth Day 2024

On Monday, Year 4 celebrated Earth Day! Our focus this year was on ‘Planet vs Plastic’. We explored the positives, and negatives, of plastic use and had fantastic discussions linked to our Science topic on how plastic can impact living things. We created a poster on how we can be more sustainable in school and discussed ways, as individuals, we can help the environment.

We discussed the importance of recycling and how plastic can be reused. We then created plant pots out of plastic bottles to reuse plastic for a purpose that creates life. Our cress has already began to grow in class!