MyMaths and TT Rockstars

All of our children will now be able to continue their Maths learning by logging onto MyMaths and using TT Rockstars. With MyMaths, activities will be set, as of now, on Wednesdays and Mondays. These activities match the units of work that the children would have been working on, during Summer term, at school.

My Maths:

TT Rockstars:

White Rose Maths – Home learning

Here is a really useful link for your maths work:

Joe Wicks workouts

Here is the link to Joe Wicks’ morning exercise videos, which are specifically aimed at children, to make sure that they are having their daily exercise:

Year 3 conquered The Wrekin!

Year 3 got to the top of The Wrekin in one hour! They absolutely loved their adventure and we are massively proud of their resilience too. Here are some pictures from their trip.

Apley Woods walk

Year 3 had a brilliant walk to Apley Woods last week. Their behaviour was fantastic and so was their understanding of the differences between physical and human features. Their work and discussions since have demonstrated how that muddy visit to the woods was definitely worth it! Here are a few of the pictures that were taken on the day:

Year 3 have done themselves proud!

We are so proud of Year 3’s inference work on a lonely gorilla in a zoo. Here are a couple of examples of their beautiful writing:

“The silent, sorrowful gorilla was sniffing up his tears.” – Ruby Hussain

“Everywhere he looked, there were blonde-haired, petrifying humans knocking on the glass window.” – Sumeet Prasad

Year 3’s Christmas party!

Wow! What a fantastic morning we have had in Year 3! The children absolutely loved their Christmas party and they looked brilliant too!

On behalf of the Year 3 team, Merry Christmas everyone!

World War II Day


Year 3 have had a wonderful day learning all about World War 2 and Remembrance Day. We focused on the evacuation of children during the war, imagining what we might pack in our suitcase if we were evacuated.

We also wrote acrostic poems about remembrance and why it is important to remember the fallen soldiers.

We enjoyed our visit from Mr Clarkson who dressed in authentic WWII uniform and showed the children a range of artefacts which were used during the war, explaining their uses and how they differ from the equipment we have today.

Each child also wrote what peace means to them on a dove and these were used by the Year 3 TA’s to create the beautiful display in our shared area.