European Languages Day!- 26.09.2023

As part of European languages day yesterday, Year 3 designed their own flag that represents them. We had some fantastic conversations about the diversity of our community and the different languages we can speak.

Year 3 Geography- 20.9.2023

In Geography this term, Year 3 are studying the UK and Europe. We used our atlases to look at the different countries in Europe and find the name of their capital cities.

Year 3 football

Year 3 had a great time yesterday starting their new football topic. We practised our penguin feet and dribbling. 


Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome back and welcome to Year 3!

We hope that you have all had a fantastic summer and we can’t wait to get started tomorrow.

Please find below some useful information for the year:

Each week, starting from week 2, spelling and maths homework will be set.

Spellings will be sent home each week stuck in the English homework books. Please can you ensure that your child copies out their spellings each night and practises for the following Friday before we have our spelling test.

Maths homework is set via MyMaths every Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday.

Please try to read with your child as much as possible at home and question them on what they are reading – ideally 3x a week.

Our PE days are Monday (indoors) and Thursday (outdoors) so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on those days.

Each pupil has their own Times Table Rock Stars login. It would be very beneficial to your child if they could play on this at least weekly- they may even win a certificate!

This page will be updated with photographs and important information regularly, but please do not hesitate to contact school if there are any other questions.

Thank you,

Mrs Hindle and Miss Dovydaitis


Year 3 D&T Salad Making

Last week in Year 3, we had a go at making our very own Roman salads. We researched what types of foods typically go into salads and tried to make them as balanced as possible. Some of us were extra brave and tried foods we had never eaten before!

Year 3 Sports Morning

Although we are disappointed we didn’t get to have our sports day in front of our grown ups, we didn’t let the rain spoil our fun! Thank you to Mr Mountford for organising some sports activities for the children to take part in this morning instead.

Online Safety booklet – parent controls advice

Please see the booklet below which contains advice about how to set parental controls on a wide range of devices and APPs.  the advice included covers both microsoft and Apple devices, hardware include Amazon Alexa, a range of controls for broadband providers and also, varied social media and streaming sources including you tube and netflix.


Free Summer Reading Opportunities


Over the summer, all the children in school will have access to a whole range of free digital books through ‘myON’, part of of Accelerated Reader. They can choose what topics interest them, browse through the books,  select one and start reading.

Click on the link below and use the log in details to access thousands of free books.

Happy Reading!


  1. School Name: Summer Reads
  2. Username: SUM
  3. Password: SUMR123!