West Mercia Police Parents, Guardians and Carers Webinar Series – April 2024

West Mercia Police are hosting four webinars directed at Parents, Guardians and Carers.  Two focusing on the Prevent network and how referrals can be made if they have concerns and two focusing on the Protect Network, giving advice on how to keep families safe online.  These are presented by West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit in conjunction with the West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit.

Cyber Prevent Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to make a referral into the Cyber Choices programme; an explanation of how it operates and what to look out for with children in your care.

8th April2024  at 6pmhttps://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/22592de2-db26-4676-a577-ab7986391f20@dd7d99f4-65c4-4822-bf7b-75d61ebc8f4a


29th April 2024 at 6pmhttps://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/e3722958-b96b-40ba-954a-f7851ac5caad@dd7d99f4-65c4-4822-bf7b-75d61ebc8f4a

Cyber Protect Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to keep yourself and your family safe online. This will be presented by West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit Prevent Team in conjunction with West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit.


24th April 2024 at 6pmhttps://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/244797bd-f3db-43c2-81f0-b4e9be0d6fad@dd7d99f4-65c4-4822-bf7b-75d61ebc8f4a


8th May 2024 at 6pm –  https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/fb7f9e84-9df4-453a-a5d7-6a1002ed9c7a@dd7d99f4-65c4-4822-bf7b-75d61ebc8f4a


Year 3 Church Visit

Year 3 had a fantastic time yesterday on their visit to Christ Church in Wellington. They had the opportunity to ask questions about ‘Leaders and followers’, as well as finding out more information about different areas of the church.

Thursday performance

As tomorrow is our first performance of our Spring play, please ensure your child is attending school in full school uniform as there will be no P.E. tomorrow.


Thank you,

Miss Dovydaitis and Mrs Hindle

Story Time- 11.3.24

At the end of World Book Day, we enjoyed a whole school story time. It was lovely to watch Base 9 and Base 6 sharing some of their favourite stories with one another!

World Book Day- 11.3.24

We had a fantastic day yesterday to celebrate our belated World Book Day in school. Everyone’s costumes looked fantastic- some of the teachers took part too!

Y3 Hook Into a Book- 19.2.24

Yesterday, Year 3 were introduced to their new ‘Love to Read’ book- The Diary of a Killer Cat! They made some fantastic predictions about what the story might be about when they found a mischievous looking kitten , a bird and a tombstone in the box!

Year 3 Fire Safety- 19.2.24

Thank you to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service for coming in to speak to Year 3 yesterday about what to do if there is a fire in their home and how to keep safe.

PE Days Spring 2

Welcome back Year 3! We hope you have all had a lovely half term.

Since we have finished our geography topic in forest school, our PE days will revert back to being on a Monday and Thursday. The children will no longer need to bring their forest school things with them on a Thursday.


PE Days for Spring 2:

Indoor PE- Monday

Outdoor PE- Thursday

Year 3- Online Safety 7.2.24

As part of online safety week, Year 3 looked at how much technology had changed in the last 20 years, before having a go at designing their own tech of the future. We had a focus on how to keep technology safe for future users.

Art morning- 5.2.2024

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed their art morning. Their special visitor demonstrated how to create texture in landscape paintings and their final pieces look fantastic!