Weekly Spellings

Spellings will be set on a Friday and then will be tested on the following Friday. By Friday this week (11th September), your child will be allocated a group for their spellings and we will write their group name in their reading diary for you to see. All spellings will be available on the website for you to view but we will also send home a paper copy of the full list of the spellings for this half term too. If your child changes group, we will annotate their reading diary and update you with a new paper copy spelling list. You will not need to bring in your spellings each week but please practise these at home. If you require another paper copy, please let us know and if you have any questions, please just ask your class teacher!

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert

Year 2 Spellings

During our first few weeks at school, we will be putting you into different groups for phonics and spellings. You will have a spelling test every Friday and your new spellings will be available on the website. They are split into groups, so please check the inside cover of your Reading Diary to see which group you are in. If you need a paper copy, please let your class teacher know.

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish