Hour of Code – Base 3

Base 3 are enjoying their Hour of Code this afternoon using the Flappy Bird game. They are finding resolutions to problems, working as a team and showing great resilience. Well done!

Lights, Camel, Action Auditions


Auditions for Lights, Camel, Action take place on Monday. The children with speaking parts will be bringing home a script to start learning over the half term holiday.

Languages Day

Base 3 had a wonderful day exploring different languages and cultures from across the world. They learned how to say hello in a range of ways and then used the laptops to present them in a word cloud. The children showed great team ant skills whilst completing this task. They also looked the culture of Aborigines and then imitated their dotty art pictures of an animal of their choice. The children were showing great resilience during this activity. Their finished pieces look spectacular – well done!

Welcome to Year 2!

Base 3 and 4 have had a wonderful first couple of weeks settling into Year 2.

This term, our topic is FIRE FIRE and we will be learning about Bonfire Night celebrations, Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. The children will be learning how to stay safe around fire, why we have Bonfire Night and they will be given the opportunity to share their own experiences. We hope you can make our annual school Fireworks Display in November!

Our Science topics this term are Animals including Humans and All Living Things. As part of these topics, we will visit Chester Zoo to see a range of different animals in December.

After half term, the children will get the opportunity to audition for our annual Christmas Play which Miss Gilbert and Mrs Williams are very excited about!

If you have any questions for us, please contact the school office.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Williams


Space Day

What fantastic costumes the children have come to school in today for our special ‘Space Day’! Not only that, but we’ve seen some amazing space and Neil Armstrong themed homework projects. Well done base 4 and a big thank you to all the parents for your help and support.

Times Tables Resources

In light of the Multiplication Tables Check, please see some of the links that I have attached below. They contain fun, interactive games that the children can play to brush up on their times tables.





Thanks for your support,

Mr Taylor

World Book Day Book Share

Base 4 had a lovely afternoon sharing their favourite stories with children from year 5 and 6. All the children listened to one another beautifully and really enjoyed themselves.

World Book Day

Well done to everyone for dressing up so brilliantly today! Congratulations to Jem and Freya for winning the class vote of best costume.