Radio 2’S 500 Word Competition

I’d like to say a huge congratulations to Will, whose story ‘Pure Gold’, has successfully made it through the first round of Radio 2’s 500 word competition. Out of 135,000 entries, he is one of 5,000 children that made it through to the next stage. This is absolutely amazing news and we wish you all the luck for the rest of the competition!



Weekly Challenge – Number 2

Happy Easter Year 2!

For your weekly challenge this week, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale would like you to create your own Easter egg hunt around your home.

  1. Choose between 4-8 places around your home (for example: kitchen, bathroom, shower, sofa, under your bed etc.)
  2. Make, buy, draw Easter eggs to hide in each place
  3. Challenge your family to find them all
  4. An extra challenge! Write a different clue for each place.

Types of clues

  1. riddles – a nice soft place to sit, you might watch T.V. while sat here (sofa)
  2. picture puzzle – take/draw a picture of the place then chop it up into a puzzle
  3. code – 1=a, 2=b, 3=c etc  so 2, 1, 20, 8 means b a t h

Have fun creating your Easter Egg Hunt.

Keep an eye out for Easter Weekly Challenge 2 for the second week of the holiday!

Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Ben has been extremely busy decorating his window with gorgeous pictures. I am sure they will make everyone smile as they walk past, like they have me! Well done.

Base 3 – Space Home Learning

Archie has been really busy, continuing his learning about Space and Neil Armstrong at home. What a fantastic project with Miss Gilbert’s favourite thing, GLITTER! Archie has even dressed as an astronaut to send me his photo. Well done, this has made me extremely proud and happy! Keep up the good work 😊.

If you have any photos of work you have been completing, please send them to my email address as I would love to see them –

Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Here are more beautiful pictures to make people smile. Jacob has used Purple Mash to create a beautiful rainbow butterfly and Avani has written a lovely message to all our NHS workers underneath her fantastic picture. Well done!

Maths on the Move

Good Afternoon all

Hope everyone is keeping well!

The fantastic people at Maths on the Move have released the following home challenge sheets. They are full of fantastic practical maths tasks you can try at home. There are 3 different sheets depending on your age: Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6.

Hope you have fun having a go. Remember to take photos of yourselves completing the tasks and share them with us by email or on Twitter.

Mrs Beardwood

Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Sasha has been very busy creating a beautiful rainbow from lots of different coloured paper.

Well done! ☺️

Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Seren has been extremely busy creating these beautiful pictures. They definitely made me smile. Well done! If you would like to send your photos in, I would love to see them!

Stay safe!


Base 3 Weekly Challenge

Have a look at Ethen and Saphire’s wonderful pictures. Well done – they are beautiful and I bet they look lovely displayed on your windows for people to see!

Please send me more of your photos of the weekly challenge to my email address – I am really enjoying seeing them!