Home Learning Summer Term

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break!

The National Academy are creating lessons each day for you to practise your English and Maths skills.

Have a look at Monday’s lessons for English and Maths



Each day this week, have a go at the English and Maths lessons. Let Miss Gilbert or Mrs Nightingale know if you need any help.


As this was supposed to be the start of our Summer Term, we were going to be starting some new themes. Have a look at the links below:

Science – Plants

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpxnyrd – Watch the videos and complete the quizzes at the bottom of the page.

PE – Athletics

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/physical-education-ks1-ks2-lets-get-active-simple-indoor-track-and-field-challenges/z4c2bdm – Watch the video and join in with the activities.

Geography – UK

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z42pnrd – Watch the videos and complete the activities

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1-william-whiskerson/zm9r7nb – Watch the videos to find out about different parts of the UK


Remember you can also work on the following activities and websites whilst you are home learning.

Weekly Challenges – every week, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale will upload a weekly challenge for you to complete. You may send us photos of you completing the challenge or of your finished product and we will post them on the website for everyone to see.

Nessy – https://learn.nessy.com/account/login#/accountLogin


Practise your reading and spelling on this website. It starts off relatively easy but gets more tricky as you move through the islands. This is great for those children who have not yet passed their phonic screening check.

MyMaths – https://www.mymaths.co.uk/

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

Miss Gilbert has added a range of activities for you to complete on a daily and weekly basis. There will be plenty for you to learn, especially areas of the curriculum we still haven’t covered so definitely check this out.

TT Rockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You have lots of games to play using your x2, x5 and x10 times tables so keep practising and challenging each other!

Purple Mash – https://www.purplemash.com/sch/apley

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You can choose a range of different activities, from all different subjects on Purple Mash. If you save them, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale can see what you have been up to!

Weekly Challenge – Number 4

For your challenge this week, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale would like you to complete a weekly diary. Please click on the link below to see an example of what your diary could look like.

Weekly Diary for Year 2

Use this as an example of what your page could look like. You can design your own on paper or digitally with your own ideas, e.g. if you will be doing a lot of cooking this week, you could include a section to show this. If you wish to print off this diary to use then great!

We are really looking forward to seeing what you all get up to this week!

Year 2 Book Activities

Have a look at the attached link for some fantastic activities for all areas of the curriculum linked to some lovely and very popular books aimed at year 2 children such as ‘Funny Bones’ and ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.


Base 4

Seerat from Base 4 has been keeping herself busy over the Easter break by helping out at home and creating a rainbow to celebrate the NHS. Fantastic work Seerat!

Easter weekend – Base 4

I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter Weekend! The weather has been fantastic. Thank you to Abigail from Base 4, she has sent me this lovely photograph of her completing Easter Challenge 3 on the BBC website. I hope you enjoyed the Easter Quizzes.

Remember, if anyone else has a go at the challenges, please send me a photograph to put onto the website!

Joshua from Base 4 has also been busy over the Easter weekend! It looks like you are having a lot of fun.

Weekly Challenge – Number 3

I hope you all enjoyed creating an Easter Egg hunt around your home last week!

For your weekly challenge this week, please head over to the CBBC website and take part in their around the world egg hunt.


CBBC have lots of other lovely Easter activities to keep you busy, https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/curations/easter try a few of the activities!

We would love to see any photographs of you completing your Easter challenges, remember to email them to us!

Keeping busy!

Some more fantastic activities, you are definitely keeping yourself busy Josh!

Base 4 photographs

It is so wonderful to see all the lovely work you are doing at home Base 4! Please keep sending me photographs to rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk.

Here are a few that have been sent so far.

Keep safe, I miss you all!

Mrs Nightingale