Year 2 Homework

Here is some information about our expectations in Year 2:

Reading – we will be sending you home with a reading book on a Friday and then we will collect them back from you on Monday. Please try and read as much as you can at home, this doesn’t have to always be your school reading book. We will listen to you read in school throughout the week too! You earn 5 house point for every 3 reads at home!

Maths Homework – you will be set MyMaths homework every Friday. We will set the this online, unless you tell your class teacher you need a paper copy. Please complete this by the following Friday. Your log in details are  in the back of your reading diary.

TT Rockstars – every week, Mr Taylor will be handing out certificates to the children who earn the most coins in that week for practising their times tables. It would be great for you to have a go! Your log in details are in the back of your reading diary.

Purple Mash – you will have access to lots of fun games for all areas of the curriculum on the Purple Mash website. It is lots of fun and we may use it from time to time in school. Your log in details are in the back of your reading diary.

If you have any questions about homework please ask your teacher.

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish


Summer Term 2 – Week 5

Welcome to week 5 of Summer 2! Here are your tasks this week. We love hearing how you are getting on with your home learning tasks and all the other activities you have been up to.


Year 2 x Booklet


Superhero Times Activity Card

Superheroes and Comic Books Activity Card

The Fearless Four Activity Card

The Most Heroic Hero Activity Card


Year 1 and 2 spelling practice


Plant Growth Prediction Sheet