Microsoft Teams Guidance

We are so proud of how hard you are all working at home during these difficult times. We can’t wait to see you all again soon but for now here are some top tips on how to use TEAMs sensibly and safely. 

 -Only use teams chat to send a message to school staff.

-Check for comments sent to you by your teacher.

-Give yourself time to have regular screen breaks. This includes getting some fresh air.

-Let adults in your household know when you will need access to the computer.

-Behave online as you would in a classroom.

-Always remember to interact respectfully and sensibly.

-Don’t open any messages or invitations from anyone who is not a member of school staff.  

-Don’t use Teams Chat to send messages to your friends– it should only be used as an online learning tool and not a social media site.

Week 3 – Remote Learning Timetable

Please find attached, Year 2’s Remote Learning Timetable for Week 3.

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Gilbert or Mrs Parrish.

Thank you for your continued support.

Week 3 timetable

Useful Websites

Online Activities

Here are some websites that you could use, if you have finished your tasks and are looking for further learning to complete:

MyMaths –

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

Your weekly homework with be still available to complete. 

TT Rockstars –

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You have lots of games to play using your x2, x5 and x10 times tables so keep practising and challenging each other!

Purple Mash –

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You can choose a range of different activities, from all different subjects on Purple Mash. If you save them, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish can see what you have been up to!

Story Time

Phonics Play –

BBC Bitesize


Stay safe everyone!

Home Learning Timetable – Week 15

Here is Year 2’s Home Learning Timetable for Week 15.

Week 15

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish

Home Learning Timetable – Week 14

Here is Year 2’s Home Learning Timetable for Week 14.

Week 14

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish

Home Learning Timetable – Week 13

Here is Year 2’s Home Learning Timetable for Week 13.

Week 13

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish

Home Learning Timetable – Week 12

Here is Year 2’s Home Learning Timetable for Week 12.

Week 12

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish