Maths Work Packs

This is the Maths Work Pack

We hope you are staying safe and are working hard. Mrs Nightingale and I have put together some more work packs that you may want to complete. You could do them but writing the answers on paper of print them off. Please click the links below.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 6

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 5

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 4

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 3

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 2

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 1

English Work Packs

This is the English Work Pack

We hope you are staying safe and are working hard. Mrs Nightingale and I have put together some more work packs that you may want to complete. You could do them but writing the answers on paper of print them off. Please click the links below.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Mat 1

Mat 2

Mat 3

Mat 4

Mat 5

Mat 6

Base 3 – Home learning

Aluna and Avani have been extremely busy once again at home. Aluna has been learning how to tell the time which is extremely beneficial to her and Avani has created a board game which looks like great fun. Keep working hard girls – well done!

Weekly Challenge – Number 5

Your challenge this week is to create a game to play with your family. Some ideas you could try are:

  • make your own version of your favourite board game using your own ideas (e.g. I would make a Harry Potter themed snakes and ladders game using broomsticks to go up and wands to go down)
  • set up an obstacle/activity course (e.g. do 5 star jumps, bunny hop to the sofa, run on the spot for 20 secs, balance a ball on your foot …)
  • create a treasure hunt around your house – whoever finds the most treasure is the winner!

Remember a game needs to have a set of rules that everyone follows.

Fantastic Home Learning

Alisha has been so busy! She has been doing some English with her grown ups but has had more fun playing with her toys and munching her way through her Easter Eggs!

Stay safe!

Fun in the Sun ☀️

Seren has worked so hard she is now relaxing in the garden with a brilliant paddling pool! That looks so much fun! Enjoy and stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Keen to learn in Base 3

Saphire is working really hard at home. She’s completing the work given to her by me, she has some books with lots of different activities to do and is reading to her little sisters everyday. Well done – keep up the hard work!

Take care and stay safe!

White Rose Maths – Home Learning Activities

Just a reminder that White Rose Maths are producing daily resources for all year groups. Please follow the link below to get any of these resources at home.

Have fun!


More Green Fingers!

Ethen and Cassie have been enjoying the wonderful weather by planting some sunflower seeds in their garden and watching some tadpoles grow. What brilliant fun you’re having!

If anyone else has any photos, please send them to me –

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Gilbert 😊