Weekly Challenge – Week 8

Challenge Number 8

We would like you to to find a bizarre place to read your favourite story. It may be you want to read to your dog in their basket, it could be whilst on your trampoline or it could be under the stairs or in the tree.

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

White Rose Maths – Week 2

You may want to follow the lessons before you begin to complete the tasks below.

Video Links

Here are Week 2’s White Rose Maths activities with the answers.

Lesson 1 Answers Compare lengths 2019

Lesson 1 Compare lengths 2019

Lesson 2 Answers Order lengths 2019

Lesson 2 Order lengths 2019

Lesson 3 Answers Four operations with lengths 2019

Lesson 3 Four operations with lengths 2019

Lesson 4 Answers Problem Solving

Lesson 4 Problem Solving

White Rose Maths – Week 1

You may want to follow the lessons before you begin to complete the tasks below.

Video Links

Here are Week 1’s White Rose Maths activities with the answers.

Lesson 1 Find three quarters 2019

Lesson 1 Answers Find three quarters 2019

Lesson 2 Count in fractions 2019

Lesson 2 Answers Count in fractions 2019

Lesson 3 Measure length (cm) 2019

Lesson 3 Answers Measure length (cm) 2019

Lesson 4 Measure length (m) 2019

 Lesson 4 Answers Measure length (m) 2019

White Rose Maths

Hi everyone!

Many of you may have been using the White Rose Maths resources online and will have noticed that they are now charging for these. We have bought a membership and I will be able to update the website on a weekly basis with the latest resources. The week beginning 11th May is week 4 but I will also include weeks 1-3 on here for anybody who has missed them.

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Weekly Challenge 7

Challenge Number 7

We would like you to make something to go in your garden. It may be a bug house, a wind chime or a water feature. You could be as creative as you want and could use lots of things from around your house, especially junk modelling things! We look forward to seeing your creations.

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

Weekly Challenge 6

Challenge Number 6

We would like you to learn a new skill that you haven’t been able to do before (you may have already learnt it during the time we have had off school). This skill may be to tie your shoe laces, learn to ride your bike without stabilisers or make something in the kitchen or garden. You may want to write a little bit of a summary of how you learnt your new skill and take some photos of you completing it. We look forward to seeing you learning something new!

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

Fantastic Computing Skills

Jacob has sent me this amazing video he has recorded by all by himself. I am blown away by his creativity and use of IT equipment. This is brilliant and I am very proud of you – well done.

If you click on the link below, open the video on Windows Media Player and it should play for you.

Stay safe everyone!

Miss Gilbert

Base 3 Jacob’s Movie