Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Here are more beautiful pictures to make people smile. Jacob has used Purple Mash to create a beautiful rainbow butterfly and Avani has written a lovely message to all our NHS workers underneath her fantastic picture. Well done!

Maths on the Move

Good Afternoon all

Hope everyone is keeping well!

The fantastic people at Maths on the Move have released the following home challenge sheets. They are full of fantastic practical maths tasks you can try at home. There are 3 different sheets depending on your age: Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6.

Hope you have fun having a go. Remember to take photos of yourselves completing the tasks and share them with us by email or on Twitter.

Mrs Beardwood

Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Sasha has been very busy creating a beautiful rainbow from lots of different coloured paper.

Well done! ☺️

Weekly Challenge – Base 3

Seren has been extremely busy creating these beautiful pictures. They definitely made me smile. Well done! If you would like to send your photos in, I would love to see them!


Stay safe!


Base 3 Weekly Challenge

Have a look at Ethen and Saphire’s wonderful pictures. Well done – they are beautiful and I bet they look lovely displayed on your windows for people to see!

Please send me more of your photos of the weekly challenge to my email address – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk. I am really enjoying seeing them!



We may not be in school to complete our weekly spelling tests, but don’t let that stop you from practising them! You can test yourself or get your family members on-board and test one-another!

Attached are the spelling lists for each year group and a ‘Spelling Menu’ which suggests lots of fun ways that you could practise them. Be creative! We’d love to see how many different, imaginative ways you can find to help you to learn them.

High frequency word spelling list

Year 1 and 2 spelling list

Year 3 and 4 spelling list

Year 5 and 6 spelling list

How to keep busy…

Here are a list of the activities and websites you can do and use whilst you are home learning.

Home Learning Pack – these were sent out to you and have reading, writing and maths type activities to keep you busy.

Weekly Challenges – every week, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale will upload a weekly challenge for you to complete. You may send us photos of you completing the challenge or of your finished product and we will post them on the website for everyone to see.

Nessy https://learn.nessy.com/account/login#/accountLogin


Practise your reading and spelling on this website. It starts off relatively easy but gets more trickier as you move through the islands. This is great for those children who have not yet passed their phonic screening check.

MyMaths https://www.mymaths.co.uk/

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

Miss Gilbert has added a range of activities for you to complete on a daily and weekly basis. There will be plenty for you to learn, especially areas of the curriculum we still haven’t covered so definitely check this out.

TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You have lots of games to play using your x2, x5 and x10 times tables so keep practising and challenging each other!

Purple Mash https://www.purplemash.com/sch/apley

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You can choose a range of different activities, from all different subjects on Purple Mash. If you save them, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale can see what you have been up to!

There are many other websites and links that Miss Gilbert and other class teachers have shared so if you are stuck, check those out too.

Stay safe everyone!

Weekly Challenge – Number 1

Challenge Number 1

We would like you to design a picture that could be displayed in your window to make others smile when they walk past. Some children may have already made a rainbow picture so you may want to do something different like a smiley face or a love heart.

You may want to paint with a brush or your fingers and hands, use collage materials or colour in with your brilliant colouring skills. The brighter the better so everyone can see them!

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

Weekly Challenges for Year 2

Each week, the children in Year 2 will be set a new challenge to complete. It would be lovely for the teachers and class mates to see each others interpretations of these challenges.

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

Classroom Secrets Online Resources

Please find below a useful link to the Classroom Secrets website. They are providing free online interactive games for all year groups in a range of subjects including Maths, Reading, Phonics, SPaG and Spelling.


There are also some free Learning Videos for a range of subjects for different year groups:
