Fantastic Computing Skills

Jacob has sent me this amazing video he has recorded by all by himself. I am blown away by his creativity and use of IT equipment. This is brilliant and I am very proud of you – well done.

If you click on the link below, open the video on Windows Media Player and it should play for you.

Stay safe everyone!

Miss Gilbert

Base 3 Jacob’s Movie

Maths Work Packs

This is the Maths Work Pack

We hope you are staying safe and are working hard. Mrs Nightingale and I have put together some more work packs that you may want to complete. You could do them but writing the answers on paper of print them off. Please click the links below.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 6

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 5

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 4

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 3

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 2

Year 2 Spring 1 Activity Mat 1

English Work Packs

This is the English Work Pack

We hope you are staying safe and are working hard. Mrs Nightingale and I have put together some more work packs that you may want to complete. You could do them but writing the answers on paper of print them off. Please click the links below.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Mat 1

Mat 2

Mat 3

Mat 4

Mat 5

Mat 6

Base 3 – Home learning

Aluna and Avani have been extremely busy once again at home. Aluna has been learning how to tell the time which is extremely beneficial to her and Avani has created a board game which looks like great fun. Keep working hard girls – well done!

Living History

As we continue to live in lock-down, we are experiencing first-hand an event which will be learnt about in history and science lessons of the future. Wouldn’t it be great to make a record so that others can learn about what we have done and how we feel? 

Use these resources to help record some of the things you have been doing, what you have enjoyed and what you miss. You don’t need to print anything – just use the questions and write down your answers on a piece of paper.

Key Stage 1

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Who knows – your writing might help children in the future understand what lock-down was like!

Mrs Beardwood

More VE Day Ideas

Hi everyone

As Miss Morgan has already said, next week is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

At the end of World War 2, families and communities celebrated by having street parties and singing and dancing. I would like you to recreate this in your own home by learning to sing a song popular at the time.

‘We’ll Meet Again’ by Dame Vera Lynn was sung across the nation to celebrate the fact that separation from loved ones and hardship was coming to an end. I would like you to have a go at learning the song to sing with your family. The song will be a big part of this years celebrations with a nationwide performance from doorsteps planned for 9pm on the 8th May. So give it a go!

I would love it of you could film/photograph yourself (with or without your family) singing and send it to the school email address.

You might even want to dress up in 1940s costumes and hold a garden tea party to celebrate such an important event.

I look forward to seeing the fun you all have.

Mrs Beardwood


VE Day

On the 8th May, we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We thought that it would be a great idea if you could still celebrate this at home.

Here are some ideas of what you could do:
Design a teacup t-h-321-ks2-ve-day-teacup-design-activity_ver_2
Design/create a medal t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1
Decorate your house using bunting t-t-2548139-union-jack-template-display-bunting_ver_1

If you would like to explain this event to your child, here is a document that explains what VE Day is. t2-t-1578-ve-day-75th-anniversary-information-powerpoint-_ver_2

It would be lovely to see anything that you do to celebrate this occasion. Please send any pictures to the school email address so that these can be put onto the newsletter.

Base 4 photographs

It is wonderful to see all the lovely activities you are getting up to whilst at home Base 4!