Year 2’s Hook into a Book – 10/04/24

Year 2 had a wonderful morning at Forest School, hunting for clues to work out which book they would be reading in Love to Read this half term. They found a family of owls, a campfire, a red cape and a telescope. Once they had guessed that the book was The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark, they enjoyed some delicious smores around the campfire. A big thank you to Mr Yardley for another fantastic Forest School session!

Base 4’s Sandwich Making – 21/03/24

Base 4 were super sandwich makers yesterday! They each created a healthy, balanced sandwich as part of their D&T project. They made sure they included at least one food from each of the food groups. Well done, Base 4!

West Mercia Police Parents, Guardians and Carers Webinar Series – April 2024

West Mercia Police are hosting four webinars directed at Parents, Guardians and Carers.  Two focusing on the Prevent network and how referrals can be made if they have concerns and two focusing on the Protect Network, giving advice on how to keep families safe online.  These are presented by West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit in conjunction with the West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit.

Cyber Prevent Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to make a referral into the Cyber Choices programme; an explanation of how it operates and what to look out for with children in your care.

8th April2024  at 6pm


29th April 2024 at 6pm

Cyber Protect Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to keep yourself and your family safe online. This will be presented by West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit Prevent Team in conjunction with West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit.


24th April 2024 at 6pm


8th May 2024 at 6pm –


Red Nose Day in Year 2 – 15/03/24

Year 2 had great fun in the hall with Mr Mountford completing their Red Nose Day challenges. What an energetic way to start the day! Thank you for all of the kind donations and for dressing your children in red – they look great!

World Book Day in Base 4 – 11/03/24

Base 4 had a brilliant time sharing their favourite books with Year 4 children and meeting local author, Sarah Griffiths, to hear one of her stories. Their costumes were fantastic and it was clear to see how much they all love to read!

Base 4’s Computing – 12/03/2024

Base 4 enjoyed using the Beebots, iPads and laptops to create their own algorithms. They worked well in their teams to test and debug their own programs. Super problem solving, Base 4!

Base 4’s Rockets – 05/03/2024

Year 2 have been studying Roy Lichtenstein in their art lessons this term. They had a blast creating their very own rocket sculptures, inspired by Lichtenstein’s work. I am sure you will agree that their creations look out of this world!

Base 3’s trip to RAF Cosford Museum

Base 3 have had a fantastic time visiting Cosford today. All of the children enjoyed learning about the different planes and helicopters. Some of them were huge – big enough to fit tanks inside. We also had a super time making our own rockets and then firing them across the hangar. Trying on RAF uniforms from different periods of history was also great fun. Well done for the great behaviour and I look forward to your writing about the visit next week.

Mrs Beardwood