Year 2 Spellings – 09/09/2024

Most children in Year 2 are currently working on phonics. These children will be given opportunities throughout the week to practise their spellings in school before they are tested on Fridays.

Some children are doing reading comprehension as they have completed the phonics program. These children will be bringing spellings home each week in a yellow book to practise before their spelling test on Friday.

Thank you,

Miss Craig and Miss Price

Welcome to Year 2 – 03/09/24

Welcome back!

We are very excited to welcome you all back to school. We hope you have had a wonderful Summer and are now feeling refreshed and ready to learn lots of new and exciting things. Here is some useful information for the new term:

Morning drop off/end of day collection points:

Please line up on the playground in front of your child’s class (staff will be on the playground to show you where to line up in the morning). This will be where the children line up every morning and you can collect from the same area at the end of the school day.

Our PE days in Year 2 are:

Wednesday (indoor)
Friday (outdoor)

Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days.

Thank you,

Miss Craig and Miss Price

Base 4’s 5 a Day Workshop – 17/07/24

Base 4 enjoyed trying lots of different fruits and vegetables and learning about how to get 5 portions into their diets each day. Some found the pickled beetroot a bit sour, as you can see in the photos! It was great to see so many children trying new foods that they said they hadn’t tried before – some even discovered new favourites.

Base 3 STEAM Activity – 17/07/24

Base 3 had great fun with their science experiment this afternoon. They tested different temperatures of water to see which one made the colour of the Skittles run the fastest. The hot water won!

STEAM Week in Year 2 – 15/07/24

Year 2 had a great start to STEAM week! They looked brilliant dressed up as different STEAM professionals. We learnt about the different types of jobs within STEAM and discussed stereotypes around scientists.

Summer Holiday Activities

Telford Urban Games – Free Sports Activities

Looking for something different to do this Summer Holiday?

Urban Games is Telford & Wrekin Council’s free programme of sports for kids, aged eight to 16, and wildlife activities for little ones, all taking place in a supervised space. It’s a great chance for children to have fun and learn new skills.

There really is something for everyone and with the Paris Olympics taking place this summer, children can get in on the action by having a go at archery, fencing, football, wrestling and table tennis.

All activities are run by qualified professionals at locations across the borough. There is no need to book a place.

Sessions are free to attend funded by the council’s Safer & Stronger Communities programme with support from the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

Click here for flyer

Online Safety Parental Controls user guide

This guide will help you set up parental controls and adjust privacy settings to provide your
child with a safer online environment. Parental controls can help to protect your child from
seeing something that they shouldn’t — although it is important to emphasise that no system
is effective all of the time, so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about
their online life regularly.


KS1 Author Visit – 09.07.24

Key Stage 1 were visited by Samantha Fletcher-Goodwin this morning. She shared her story “Glow From the Inside” which carried an important message – it is what is on the inside that counts and makes you who you are, not what you look like. The children really enjoyed her story and the activity of designing a wig for a lion who lost his mane.