Exotic Zoo (Base 6) 08.03.23

Exotic Zoo

What an amazing morning the Year 1’s have had! They really enjoyed meeting Millie the Millipede, Shelly the Tortoise, Toothless the Bearded Dragon, Charlie the Treefrog and Tia the Skunk from the Exotic Zoo. The children were extremely engaged throughout and learnt lots of facts from Jack. They will be telling you all sorts of facts about Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores when they get home this afternoon.



Parents Consultations Reminder

Just a quick reminder that we need the parents consultation sheets back by tomorrow (Thursday 2nd March), so we can allocate your appointments. You will then receive a letter confirming  your time on Wednesday 8th March.

Many thanks,

Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Gould and Mrs Edwards

E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey