Reading is Magic Festival has begun!





‘Reading is Magic Festival’, a unique national and international platform to celebrate and promote the value of reading and books has begun!

Follow the link below to take a look at some of the fantastic, free, online events that you and your children can take part in.

Programme of Events

Year 1 Spellings 28th September

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 2nd October.

28.09.20 Spellings Year 1

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise (this does not need to be returned to school).

Maths Homework 25th September

This week’s maths homework is on Purple Mash and has been set as a ‘To do.’ It is focusing on counting objects. Your child’s login for Purple Mash can be found in their reading diary.

Year 1 Spellings 18th September

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 25th September.

21.09.20 Spellings Year 1

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise (this does not need to be returned to school).

Spelling Homework

Don’t forget that weekly spellings are available on the year group class spelling pages. The children will now be bringing their spellings home on a Friday in their reading record to copy out at home ready to take their reading record back to school on a Monday.

Year 1 Maths Homework 11th September

This week’s maths homework is to practise writing all the numbers from 0-20 in numeral form. We have sent this home as a sheet for the children to write on. Please can this be completed and brought back to school on Wednesday 16th September with the reading book and diary.

Homework 1

Thank you,

Year 1 Team

Year 1 Spellings 11th September

Please find below the spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 18th September. The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings.

Red Group Spellings

Red Group spellings 11th September

Green and Purple Group Spellings

Green and Purple Group spellings 11th September

Blue Group Spellings

Blue Group spellings 11th September

Reading Ideas

The children will be keeping their reading book in school all week and bringing their book home on a Friday in order to read to the adults at home. They will  be encouraged to read other books/materials at home throughout the week as well.

The Peters Books website still has a suggested list of reading books categorised by year groups and a set of downloadable activities for children to complete based on different books.

The National Oak Academy is currently updating its pages and will have various reading activities for the children to do.

Have a look at the links below.

Peters Books Reading Activities

The National Oak Academy

Welcome back

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!

Reception Induction  9.30am – 11.30am  (Thursday or Friday)

KS1 8.30am – 3pm

KS2 8.45am – 3.15pm

Please see the attached information and guidelines to support a safe start to the new school year. September Guidelines

The full Risk Assessment has been updated for our full re-opening and is available on the website.