Maths homework 21.01.22

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online.

Use what you have learnt this about one more and one less and comparing amounts to work out the answers to Q1. For Q2, use the number lines to help you work out the answers.

Maths homework 3.12.21

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online.

This week the homework is continuing the work you began last week. You should already have done questions 1 and 2 last week, so please complete questions 3 and 4 this week. Use what you have learnt about number bonds, addition, subtraction and part-whole models to help you answer the questions.

Maths homework 26.11.21 and 3.12.21

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online.

We are giving you 2 weeks to do this homework. Please do question 1 and 2 this week, and question 3 and 4 next week. Use what you have learnt about number bonds, addition, subtraction and part-whole models to help you answer the questions.