Maths homework 30.09.22

This week’s homework is on MyMaths online. Use your knowledge of counting forwards to complete each of the counting sequences.


Year 1 Maths Homework 16th September

This week’s maths homework is to practise writing all the numbers from 0-20 in numeral form. We have sent this home as a sheet for the children to write on. Please can this be completed and brought back to school on Thursday 22nd September.

Homework – number formation

Reading and Homework in Year 1

Dear parents/carers,

Today your child has come home with a reading diary and reading book. The book is linked to your child’s phonics group and is similar to the book they are reading in school. Please try to listen to your child read as much as possible, and record what they have read in their diary. Encourage them to sound out and blend unfamiliar words, and ask them questions about what is happening in the book.

The ‘Reading Gems’ that are stuck in the front of the diary are the same as the ones we use in school and link to the different skills that the children will be using.

The books will be changed every Tuesday and Friday, but children need to have their book and diary in school every day.

Children will have spellings stuck into their reading diary every Friday. They need to practise these at home and will be tested on the spellings of these words the following Friday in school. Each week, the spellings will also be added to the school website on the year group page.

Children will be set Maths homework every Friday. This will usually be on MyMaths online. If the Maths homework is in a different format, details will be posted on the school website. Your child’s login details for MyMaths are stuck in the back of their reading diary.

Many thanks for your continued support,

The Year 1 Team

Maths Homework 24.06.22

This week’s homework is on MyMaths online. Use what you have learnt about counting forwards and backwards and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help you with this homework.

Year 1 Spellings w/c 23.05.22

Please find attached the spellings for w/c 23rd May. The children will be tested on these spellings on Thursday 26th May. Please note the earlier day for the spelling test due to Jubilee activities taking place next Friday.

Year 1 spellings

Maths homework 06.05.22

This week’s homework is on MyMaths online. Use your knowledge of counting in 10s to help work out the answers to the homework.