Maths homework 24.09.21

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online. It is all about counting forwards to 10. Use the number line and Numicon pictures to help work out the missing numbers and work out what comes next.

Maths homework 17.09.21

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online. A letter has come home with your child today containing details about MyMaths, including your child’s username and password to access MyMaths. You will also find the login details at the back of your child’s reading diary.

The homework is all about counting objects. Use your knowledge of counting to help work out the answers.

Year 1 Maths Homework 25.06.21

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online.

Use what you have learnt this year about number bonds, addition and subtraction to help with this week’s homework.