Christmas production.

All tickets have been allocated for parents who have requested them. Please check your child’s bag.

For the production next week please could the children wear Christmas jumpers to school.

Thank you.

Children in Need day in year 1.


We looked great in our spots and yellow clothes.

We enjoyed Pudsey sport activities.

Friendship week. Base 5. WB 13.11.23

In year 1 we read the Rainbow fish story and discussed acts of kindness. We thought about how we felt when someone was kind to us.

Year 1 art work.

After looking at the work of Kandinsky year 1 used thick and thin paint brushes and colour mixing skills to paint shapes in the style of Kandinsky’s concentric circle painting. We put the shapes together to make a piece of collaborative art.

The Exotic Zoo visit. WB 13.11.23

Year 1 had a great time learning about the animal groups with Jack. As well as learning lots of interesting facts we held or stroked the animals.