Academy Conversion Section 5 Stakeholder Consultation


Following approval of the school’s recent application to become an Academy, and receiving an Academy Order from the DfE, the Local Governing Body of Apley Wood are carrying out a consultation with all stakeholders of the local community. The aim of the consultation is to  approach stakeholders asking them whether they are happy for the school to become an Academy and join REAch2 Academy Trust in entering into a funding agreement with the Secretary of State to establish a new primary academy. This consultation is in accordance with Section 5 of the Academies Act (2010).

The consultation will commence on Monday 15th January 2024 at 9:00am, and close on Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5:00pm.

A parent meeting will take place at school on Monday 29th January 2pm-3pm where there will be opportunity to ask questions and meet some of the REAch2 Team.

Please see the letter below and some FAQs.

Apley Wood FAQs REAch2 – Jan 2024 

FINAL Apley Wood Section 5 consultation – Jan 2024


Year 1 PE days Spring Term

Our PE days will be changing from the beginning of Spring Term. Year 1 PE days will be as follows:

Monday – Indoor PE

Friday – Outdoor PE

Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing the correct school PE kit on these days. We will advise you of our Spring Term Forest school session nearer the time.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you,

Year 1 Team

WB 18.12.23 – Year 1 Christmas Party

We had a very festive and fun afternoon in the hall for our Christmas party. We played pass the parcel, musical statues and pin the nose of Rudolph, we did LOTS of dancing and enjoyed eating our party food.

Congratulations to the Pass the Parcel winners – Ellie, Logan, Mia and Luciana.

What a fantastic party we had! Merry Christmas everyone!

The Big Little Nativity – 14th and 15th December 2023

Well done to all the children in KS1 for their wonderful Nativity performances this week. They have all worked really hard to learn their lines, songs and actions to make sure they put on a truly entertaining show. Thank you to everyone who attended one of the performances – we hope you enjoyed watching. Apley Wood really does have some really talented actors, singers and dancers.


Children will need to be wearing a CHRISTMAS JUMPER (or bring in to school in a labelled bag) on Thursday and Friday for the play performances.


Many thanks.

Year 1Team.


WB 11.12.23 – DT in Base 6

We’ve loved making our sustainable Christmas decoration using recycled materials from home. The children designed their decoration and then made them independently using the resources available to them. We had all morning to get stuck in, and the children absolutely loved it!

WB 11.12.23 – KS1 and EYFS Hobgoblin Theatre Performance

KS1 and EYFS really enjoyed the Hobgoblin theatre performance this morning. They enjoyed joining in with repeated phrases and singing some well know Christmas songs.

There was lots of smiles and plenty of belly laughing, especially when Mrs Garraway and Mrs Jones were on stage doing the conga as the pantomime horse!

We are now feeling very festive and looking forward to Christmas even more.