Mrs Jones’s phonics group- week beginning 15th January

This week in phonics, the children have been learning the following sounds:

h r j v y

Please find below the links to videos to support your child’s learning at home.


Mrs Garraway’s phonics group- Week beginning 15th January 2024

This week in phonics the children have been learning to read the following sounds:

u  b  f  e

Please see below for links to videos to share with your children at home.

The following link is to a Fred Game to help support children with their blending skills:

Year one Forest school. 18.01.24

Today year one enjoyed finding and sorting materials in Forest school.

WB 15.01.24 – ICT with Mr G

We really enjoyed our first session with Mr G using the BeeBots. We have learnt how to turn them on, and how to get them to move forwards and backwards. We were very good at giving the BeeBots commands, to ensure they landed on the correct place on the mat.

WB 15.01.24 – Art in Base 6

We have enjoyed creating some Art work in the style of Robert Bradford. We have used old catalogues to cut out pictures of toys and create an animal collage.

Computing- Moving a robot. WB 16.01.24

This week Mr Gerrie came into year one and worked with us using the BeeBots. We gave the BeeBots commands and predicted where they would move to when they followed them.

Year one art. Base 5. WB 15.01.24.

This week we have been looking at sculptures by Robert Bradford. The children made  collages in a similar style. The results were lovely!

Recycling Request

This term, Year 1 will be using recycled materials to create sculptures in art and to make moving cars in DT. Please could we ask you to bring in recycling from home for these projects. We particularly need cardboard boxes, toilet roll tubes, kitchen roll tubes and clean plastic bottle tops.

Many thanks for you support,

Year 1 Team