Forest School


Today Year 1 enjoyed learning all about different castles from around the UK in our Forest School session. We will be continuing this every Thursday for the rest of term. As the weather is improving, children do not need their full forest school clothing, but could they please wear leggings, trousers or joggers every Thursday (to protect their legs from nettles) and make sure they bring a coat in case of rain.

Warwick Castle visit

Dear parents/carers,

Year 1 are due to visit Warwick Castle on Wednesday 26th June. We are still missing quite a lot of money for the cost of the visit, so this is just a polite reminder to make any remaining payments as soon as possible. As you are aware, payments are voluntary, but as the school has already subsidised the cost of the visit, without enough payments the trip will not be able to go ahead.

Many thanks,

Year 1 Team

Growing in science. WB 21.05.24

In year one we have been looking after the seeds we planted in science as they have grown into plants. This week we planted them in our garden and  are excited to watch  them grow.


Science – Classifying plants.

In our science lesson this week we went outside and looked at plants growing.

We thought of ways to classify them and made a tally chart of the colour flowers we found.

Spellings 13.05.24

These are the spellings for this week. The children will be tested on Friday.

Please encourage them to practice them. Thank you.

Website 13.05.24