Year 1 Forest School 19.09.24

Year 1 had a fantastic time learning about their senses in Forest School today. They had great fun doing the sensory walk and all the children could talk about what they could hear, see and feel.

Year 1 Phonics practice

Dear parents/carers,

Today your child has brought home a set of phonics sounds and words in their reading diary. They will receive a new set of words every Friday which are linked to the sounds your child has been learning during their phonics lessons each week. In order to support your child with their reading, please can they practise reading all the words. Please encourage them to use ‘Special Friends, Fred Talk, Read the Word’ to sound out and blend any words that they are not sure of.

Please note that these words are to practise reading. The children do not need to know how to spell the words.

Many thanks,

Year 1 Team

Year 1 Reading

Dear Parents/Carers,

Today your child will come home with a reading diary and reading book. The book is linked to your child’s phonics group and is similar to the book they are reading in school. Please try to listen to your child read as much as possible, and record what they have read in their diary. Encourage them to sound out and blend unfamiliar words, and ask them questions about what is happening in the book.

The books will be changed every Tuesday and Friday, but children need to have their book and diary in school every day.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team

Welcome back Year 1

Good afternoon Year 1!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and we can’t wait to have you back in school. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break.
Please remember to bring your water bottle and a small healthy snack to school with you, and make sure these have your name on.

In Year 1 our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please come into school wearing full school PE kit on these days. If you have earrings, please take these out or bring in Micropore tape to cover them up.

Please see the document below for an overview of our topics for Autumn Term to see what we will be learning about:

Year 1 Autumn Term topic overview 24

We will update our year group page with important information as necessary, so please check back regularly.

See you all tomorrow,
Year 1 Team

STEAM Week in Year 1 – Art 18.07.24

Year 1 have been busy with lots of art activities this week. They have enjoyed doing ‘Doodle a Day’ to music by Hans Zimmer, looked at a wide range of art by famous artists and developed their observational skills by sketching the lines and shapes that they could see. The children then put their art knowledge to use by drawing some fantastic self-portraits.

STEAM week in year one.- DT and Science. WB 16.07.24

We enjoyed dressing up for STEAM week on Monday. We have had fun doing science and DT, we loved the skittle experiment and making our sundials.

We have also looked at the life and achievements of Charles Darwin. We took part in the 5 a day workshop where we enjoyed learning about healthy food and tasting it.




Fruit kebabs. 15.07.21

As part of our DT  topic year one made the fruit kebabs we had designed.