Message from the Headteacher

We have had another busy week and managed to have get out and have some snow fun earlier in the week.  As always, when it snows, we do everything we can to remain open. In the unlikely event that school has to close, we will text parents (priority 1 contact) and post a message on our website and twitter.  Please let us know if your mobile number for the priority 1 contact has changed.

Again I have received very positive comments from the staff who have taken children swimming and to Arthog outreach this week.  The behaviour of the children has been fantastic.  Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week:

Jacob K, Amber N, Tobiah F, Aria-Rose L, James L, Gracie T-E,

Reuben M, Alesha R, Blake R, Pippa S, Emily B, Araya K,

Mehreen W, Spencer R, Amelia P, Haris R, Kayden H,

Lucas L, Simon F, Georgia W, Ivan K, Jack D, Shayaan A

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Times Table Rockstars 13.01.2023

This week’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Hukam M, Oliver W, Blake R

Year 2: Ivan K, Oscar W, Habibah K

Year 3: Annabell G, Amelia E, Gabby U

Year 4: Sunainah T, Macey-Mai M, Riley W

Year 5: Megan YTL, Alyssa H, Jacob K

Lunchtime Supervisor Awards 13.01.2023


Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Josh Y, Edward B, Logan B, Zara K, Jesse S, Ella-Rose L, Rabia A, Ismay S, Tali-Sian D

Hope T, Saphire K, Jacob K, Logan B, Betsy S-E, Carter W, Joshua Y

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!


Message from the headteacher 13.01.2023

I am extremely proud of year 6 this week. Those at Arthog have demonstrated incredible team work, maturity and resilience. Those in school have also worked as a team, demonstrating independence and initiative. They are all fantastic role models.

We’ve had a lot happening in school this week, Our year 4 and 5 children have enjoyed the start of their swimming lessons, I’ve seen some amazing learning, including history in Year 5, and Big write in Year 1 and Year 3. Bonnie has been on site again visiting classes and doing trick training. The way the children have taken on board how to treat her and look after her is amazing. Bonnie is such a positive part of our well being support across the whole school and we love having her on site.

Well done to everyone who received a headteacher award this week:

Neve S, Zayn K, Louie P, Georgia W, Amelia R, Charlie S, Roman F

Sophie O, Penelope H, Isla Di C, Peter C, Jaiden M, Ollie D,

Victoria N, Lilly H, Ben C, Esme C-E, George McI, Ruby H,

Alex M, Shujat M, Elna T, Kade S, Sydney G, Lillie-Rae M

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Welcome back

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had an enjoyable break. It was lovely to see everyone on Wednesday and we have had a super start to the new term.  Congratulations to the children who designed our new House Point Team characters and logo’s, we launched them in assembly on Wednesday and everyone was very excited.

Important information about your child’s learning is now available on the school website.  You can find the curriculum overviews which explain the topics and areas of learning for the term on both the learning pages and the classroom pages. If you would like a paper copy, please let the class teacher know. You should have received a letter with all the important dates that have already been planned in for this term, and they are also available on the website – we have a full calendar of enrichment activities planned this term with visits out and visitors coming in to school.

Please remember that the school day starts at 8.45am. As you know, being in school on time is extremely important for all children in order that they receive the best possible start to their learning.  Arrival at 8.45am enables staff to support children in a range of activities, for example, time to have ‘check ins’ with teacher or TA for Emotional Health and Well Being support, individual reading with an adult, opportunity to practise spellings, maths facts or pre -learning for lessons and sharing class news together. All of these activities maximise the opportunity for a settled start to ensure children are ready for their first lesson straight after the register is taken.

We welcome a new member of staff this term. Miss Egan is a very experienced teaching assistant who has joined the Year 5 team and we are delighted to have her at Apley.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Merry Christmas from Hadley & Leegomery SNT

Thank you all for your support and partnership working this year to make H&L a safer place to live & visit.

Congratulations to Joseph M who was a winner of the Christmas Card competition along with 3 other entries from Apley Wood, Millbrook & HLC:








We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Hadley & Leegomery Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Attendance Figures 16.12.2022

Overall School attendance is 94.2%

Key Stage 1

Base 2 has the best attendance 93.45%

Key Stage 2

Base 10 has the best attendance 93.33%

Well done to Base 2 and 10 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Lunchtime Supervisor Awards 16.12.2022


Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Shauni S, Logan B, Maevie T, Talisha E, Lily L, Melody E, Aaron A, Jesse S,

Simona B, Macey Mai M, Zara K, Araya K

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!


Extended Day Awards 13.01.2023

Breakfast Club group of the week: Reception

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Isabella N, Isla D-C, Charlie S

Hub group of the week: Year 2

Hub Stars of the week: Alfie B, Isabella S, Talliyah E