Whole-School Fundraising Athlete Event

Athlete Fundraising Event – 17th May

What a fantastic day the whole school had when James Shaw visited our school on Tuesday! It was wonderful to see lots of children dressed as athletes and share their enthusiasm towards exercise. We had a very exciting morning where children came into the hall to complete various fitness exercises alongside James Shaw and a Sports For Schools ‘Sportivater’. They shared lots of smiles and showed great determination to complete their exercises against a timer.

Afterwards, the whole school gathered to listen to an inspiring talk from the Paralympic Athlete about his journey to success and how everyone can achieve their goals if they have a positive mindset. The question and answer session was a great opportunity for the children to get an insight into an athlete’s life and the proud moments which can come with personal achievements linked to sport.

So far, from online sponsors alone, we have raised an incredible £2069.20! We have also received a number of sponsorship forms into the office which we are excited to count up and add to our grand total. If you are yet to return your sponsorship form, please ensure the form and money is given into the office (or your class teacher) on Monday  23rd May.

Well done everyone for creating such a fun and active morning!

If you haven’t set up a sponsor page yet, it’s not too late. You could still use the weekend to gather some online pennies over the weekend as a well done for the fanstic effort everyone put into the day! https://sportsforschools.org/#feature-parent


Whole-school Athlete Fundraising Event

We’re now into the 1 week countdown for our exciting athlete fundraising event on Tuesday 17th May. 

It’s great to see all of the excitement from around school and talk to proud children about the sponsorship money they have already raised. In just over a week, we have raised a fantastic £788 from online sponsors alone!

Here’s the link to see our brilliant ongoing total and to find a pupil’s fundraiser page: https://sportal.sportsforschools.org/events/17974/promo 

If you haven’t set up a sponsorship page yet, it’s not too late. You can click this link and follow the instructions below: https://sportsforschools.org/#feature-parent  . Don’t forget, you can also collect and record sponsors on the sponsorship forms that were sent home too. 

Cheer on your child! 

Whole-school Athlete Fundraising Event

We are really excited to announce the launch of our SportsForSchools whole-school fundraising event where our children will get to meet paralympic athlete James Shaw and complete some fun fitness exercises alongside him!

Help us encourage our children to develop their fitness and discover a love for physical activity, whilst raising money for sports equipment along the way!

Follow this link to get to our fundraising page: https://sportal.sportsforschools.org/events/17974/promo

Cheer on your child by creating their own fundraising page to share with family and friends! (Or use the sponsorship forms which were sent home today)

YR3/4 girls new kit

A big thank you to Smash life for sponsoring our YR3/4 girls football kit we really appreciate it ,They are so excited to wear it in their next game.

YR5/6 Tennis festival

Our Yr5/6 Children yesterday participated in a Tennis festival learning new skills which they all enjoyed it. Well done all.


Yr3/4 Tennis Festival

Our Y3/4 had a brilliant time yesterday at Telford tennis centre learning lots of fun skills in Tennis. They all had an amazing time and would love to do it again.


KS2 Football Festival

It’s a cold one today, but the KS2 children are keeping warm and active at the TWSSP Sportsability Football Festival Well done to all.  

Girls Finalists

Girls Football Finalists ⚽️🏆
A massive well done to the Year 3/4 girls who took part in the football tournament at TCAT last week. They played amazingly across all of their games not losing a game but narrowly losing in sudden death in the final.  

Girls Football Finalists

Girls Football Finalists ⚽️🏆
A massive well done to the Year 6 girls who took part in the football tournament at TCAT today. They played amazingly across all of their games and proudly won the final 1-0! A brilliant performance.