
Monday 4th December, 2023

West Mercia Police Competition Winners

We are delighted to share that we have three winners in the Operation Sceptre Art Competition, launched by West Mercia Police earlier in the term.  Children from across Telford and Wrekin entered, designing posters to promote the themes of Anti Knife crime or The police and safety.

A huge congratulations to our winners! Thank you to PC Rob Hughes, Community Safety Engagement Officer, who joined our celebration assembly last week to share the news and present the prizes.


Friday 1st December, 2023

Reporting pupil absences – new dedicated email

Please do not use the A2190 to report absences.  This email account is not checked at the start of the school day.

To report an absence, please either phone 01952 386180 or use the dedicated absence email.


This will ensure the absence is reported directly to Mrs Cartwright, as part of our attendance team, and is checked in the morning, rather than into the main school email.

Thank you for your continued support.

Thursday 30th November, 2023

Items from home

We are seeing an increase in toys and items being brought into school from home which is causing issues.  These include, pencil cases, toys, football and pokemon cards, and balls and they are causing problems due to arguments or children losing them. This is then causing staff to have waste learning time in sorting out these completely avoidable issues. We have all the resources that children need for their learning and breaktimes in school and items should not be brought in from home without consent of the class teacher or a member of the senior leadership team.

We currently have a collection of lost toys and items from home in the office and we are unsure who they belong to. These will be disposed of by the end of term if they are not collected.  Staff have discussed this in assembly this week and during our pupil voice activities about lunchtime and we would really appreciate your support in ensuring these items stay at home.

Wednesday 29th November, 2023

Online Safety Newsletter – December Edition

Click the link below for the December online safety newsletter.  This month has reminders about the use of snapchat, and also advice and links to access support to deal with cyber bullying.

Online Safety Newsletter Primary December 2023

Please let us know if there are any specific Apps you would like advice about and we can add it to the next addition.

Tuesday 21st November, 2023

Santa Dash 2023 Thursday 21st December


This year as a whole school we will be taking part in the Santa Dash to raise funds for sporting activities on  Thursday 21st December. Kind donations would be much appreciated please take money to office or class teachers. All activities will be outside so please have suitable footwear and warm coats.

Friday 17th November, 2023

Yr3/4 Indoor Cricket

Our Yr3/4 Cricket participated in the Telford and Wrekin school sports partnership Cricket Festival at Telford Tennis Centre. The team played 5 games and winning all of them with some great batting and fielding they scored 280 runs in the whole tournament.

Friday 17th November, 2023

Apley Wood 6 vs Oldpark 1

Our Yr3/4 Boys played their first game of the year this week against Oldpark Primary School, Apley Scored some great team goals and battled well to get the win and having different players on the scoresheet.

Friday 10th November, 2023

Apley Wood’s Field of Poppies for Remembrance 10/11/23

This week, every child in school created their own poppy for Remembrance. This morning, the whole school gathered in the hall with their poppies to create a field of poppies and to pay their respects with a 2 minute silence. Everyone was very respectful and their poppies looked beautiful when displayed together.

Thursday 9th November, 2023

Christmas Smile Project – Donation point

More vulnerable people in Telford will have the chance to open a present on Christmas Day this year because of YOU!

Apley wood Primary School is pleased to support the Christmas Smile Project for the second year running by hosting a closed donation point for you to drop off kind donations of gifts and presents for vulnerable children and adults living in Telford.

The project needs your donations to be new and un-opened, suitable for children and young people aged 0-17 years, vulnerable adults and the elderly.  A drop-off point will be located in the main school reception area, or children may bring them into school to take to the office.

Please do not wrap your gifts as they will be checked and sorted by the Christmas Smile volunteer elves before being carefully selected for the recipient.

 Gift ideas might include:-


Children 0-2

Cuddly Toys, baby clothes, puzzles, soft balls, rattles, baby books.

Children 3-6

Colouring books and pencils, books, hats, gloves, scarves, early board games, toy cars, dolls, arts & crafts, kites, popular character toys.

Children 7-10

Footballs, Frisbees, kites, hats, gloves, scarves, pencil cases, jewellery, craft kits, books, puzzles, scooters, roller skates, board games.

Teens 11-16

Sports equipment, hats, gloves, scarves, toiletry sets, jewellery makeup, nail varnish, purses, wallets, bags, PJs, Onesies/Oodies, mugs/travel cups, drinks bottles, rucksacks, board games.


Board Games, selection boxes, biscuits, chocolates, sweet treats (all long dates).


Bath/shower sets, aftershave, books, gloves, scarf, nightwear, puzzle books, pens and pencils,

hand warmers, bed socks, mugs, food gift sets, blankets, gardening equipment.