
Friday 26th January, 2024

Forest School 25/1/24

Year 2 had a fantastic Forest School session with Mr Yardley on Thursday. We were asked to design a suit for astronauts to train in. The suit needed to be waterproof, so we tested lots of materials to see which was the most suitable. Mrs Beardwood and Miss Craig were very pleased with our super listening and teamwork skills.

Thursday 25th January, 2024

Academy Conversion Consultation meeting – 29th January

Members of the REAch2 team will be in school on Monday afternoon (29th January) to meet parents who may have questions regarding our future conversion.

The meeting is being held between 2pm and 3pm in the school hall.

You can also submit questions via the school office by calling or through the main email.


Monday 22nd January, 2024

Apley Wood Walk – 22.01.24

This morning Base 12 walked to Apley Woods and enjoyed finding evidence of some ‘lost children’ dotted around! They showcased some wonderful teamwork inferring from the clues as well as enjoying some time surrounded by the nature of Apley!  

Friday 19th January, 2024

The school day

The school day is 8.45am – 3.15pm.

Teachers open doors at 8.45am and close them at 8.50am.  Any children arriving between  8.50am – 9am, must enter through the double doors on the main playground.

Registers close at 9am and we are seeing an increase in children who are arriving after this time which means they are then marked late.

Classroom activities do start straightaway for children so if they miss this registration time then they are missing learning and the important social start to the school day.

Friday 19th January, 2024

Lost Property

We have a large amount of unnamed lost property.  Unfortunately, without names,  we have no chance of returning these items to the correct children.

Please ensure you write your child’s name in their uniform, coats, hats, gloves and scarves.