
Tuesday 24th September, 2019

Shropshire Star STEM Challenge Day

Today, six Year 6 children displayed their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills as they competed against other schools in a Shropshire Star STEM challenge day at Enginuity.

The children showed superb team ant skills whilst they designed and made a Wildlife Centre, following a brief and a limit to their costing, on a ‘piece of land’ which had a range of endangered species.

They planned their design meticulously and therefore were awarded a prize for their efforts. The children used the resources and budget carefully, showers resilience when things didn’t go to plan and then articulated their design to the judges brilliantly.

It was a fantastic day and a pleasure to take them, well done!

Wednesday 18th September, 2019

Forest School and PE

This week, the children had their first experience of Forest School/P.E. Base 1 enjoyed going for a walk and having a picnic, whilst Base 2 enjoyed exploring different ways of travelling. The children have been working hard within Literacy and have drawn and labelled pictures of their family. Within Maths, the children have been counting and even writing numerals. We are very impressed with all their hard efforts. Well done, Reception!

Friday 13th September, 2019

Welcome back Year 4!

Year 4 have had a great first couple of weeks settling back into school.

This term, our topic is Walk Like An Egyptian and we will be learning about Egypt in the past and present, mummification and gods and goddesses. They will also be doing some Egyptian artwork and looking at hieroglyphics which we are really excited to do.

Our Science topics this term are Sound and Electricity. As part of these topics, we will be planning and carrying out lots of investigations, including making a sound proof pyramid and Christmas decorations.

PE kits need to be in school every Monday as our PE slots are Monday and Wednesday. They can be taken home after Wednesday’s lesson.

Spellings are given out every Monday and tested on Friday. Maths homework is given out every Friday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday.

We are excited for the following term and can’t wait for everything that we have planned.

If you have any questions for us, please contact the school office.

Thank you,

Mr Taylor and Mrs Beardwood

Thursday 12th September, 2019

Welcome back to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Children in Base 5 and 6 have come back to school with a fantastic attitude and are ready to learn. They have already settled in well to the new routines.

Each week, spelling homework will be sent home on a Monday to be completed every night and returned on a Friday.

Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday.

We encourage the children to read as much as possible at home, please record your child’s reading in the reading record every time you read together.

Our PE days are:

Monday – Outdoor PE
Thursday – Indoor PE

Please send your child with appropriate PE kit on a Monday and we will send it home on a Friday.

Forest school will take place later in the year. A letter will be sent home nearer the time.

Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to a really exciting year ahead!

The Year 1 Team

Monday 9th September, 2019

Year 3 Spellings for the first half of Autumn Term

Week 2 – Adding suffixes –ment / -ness
1 hopeless
2 joyless
3 sadness
4 business
5 happiness
6 environment
7 experiment
8 document
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 3 – Adding suffixes –ful / -less /
1 cried
2 stopped
3 dropped
4 playful
5 careful
6 plentiful
7 useless
8 careless
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 4 – Adding suffixes –ing / -est / -y
1 hiking
2 singing
3 writing
4 shaking
5 happiest
6 shiny
7 nicest
8 smallest
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 5 Homophones
1 accept
2 except
3 plain
4 plane
5 peace
6 piece
7 meat
8 meet
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 6 – Homophones
1 weather
2 whether
3 rain
4 reign
5 not
6 knot
7 mist
8 missed
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 7 – Revision
1 hopeless
2 experiment
3 cried
4 plentiful
5 singing
6 nicest
7 peace
8 meat
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word