
Friday 13th October, 2023

Pedestrian Training

Well done to Year 4 who completed their pedestrian training this week. Base 11 and 14 were welcomed by Dianne who told us all about how to stay safe as pedestrians near the roads. We completed a road safety quiz, learnt a song and went outside of the school grounds to practise all our new knowledge. We became experts on stopping, looking, listening and thinking while crossing the road!

Friday 13th October, 2023

School Car Park 13th October

The school car park is for staff, visitors and blue badge holders only.  Parents and Carers should not be parking on site for the normal school day drop off and collection without the blue badge.  If you are parking in a disabled bay, then please ensure your blue badge is on show when you leave the car.

When dropping off for breakfast club and collecting from after school clubs, please ensure you use the one way system on the car park and avoid parking in the disabled bays.  The entrance to the car park is quite narrow and there have been some near misses lately.  We want to ensure that our staff and children can get into school safely.

Thank you for your continued support.

Wednesday 11th October, 2023

Half Term Activities in Telford & Wrekin Libraries

Wednesday 11th October, 2023

Free Course – Gardening for Beginners

Tuesday 10th October, 2023

KS2 cross Country 2023

Well Done to our KS2 Cross country team they all did amazing against over 100 children taking part representing their schools.

Wednesday 4th October, 2023

School Photographs – 12th October

Thursday 12th October is school photograph day.  Please ensure children are in their school uniform.  If it is usually a PE day, then this will be adapted or changed so that PE kit will not be needed.

Tuesday 3rd October, 2023

SENCO Parent consultations

Mrs Thorpe, SENCO, will also be available to speak to parents regarding special educational needs during our parent consultation evenings next week.  If you wish to book an appointment to speak to her, please contact the office by phone or by A2190@taw.org.uk

Monday 2nd October, 2023

Safeguarding Squad Hate Crime

The Safeguarding Squad delivered an assembly today all about hate crime. They highlighted the key points about how it is a crime and some of the repercussions that could come from it. They emphasised the importance of being inclusive towards everyone!


Friday 29th September, 2023

NSPCC Kindness Challenge – Tuesday 3rd October.

Please send a donation for our NSPCC fundraising challenge on Tuesday.  We will be spreading acts of kindness to to raise money to support the work of the NSPCC.

Thursday 28th September, 2023

Free online family events from Eric – The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity

Free online events are available for parents and carers, led by staff from the expertly trained Eric Family Services Team.

These topic-based events are delivered live and designed to answer some of the most commonly asked questions that that come up via their Helpline. Some of the events that are available for you to book are listed below, there are others available on the Eric website.

9 October 2023, 10am-12:30pm
How to tackle potty and toilet avoidance
The vicious circle of poo withholding and constipation, the perplexing problem of wee withholding and the mystery of where children choose to wee and poo. Insights and ideas to help you plan your child’s journey to the toilet.

9 October 2023, 7-8:30pm
How to get the poo moving when your child refuses their laxatives
Creative ways to help your child drink macrogol laxatives plus a look at what alternatives are available, including other oral laxatives and suppositories, enemas and warm water washouts.

12 October 2023, 10am-12:30 pm
How to go about toilet training when your child has additional needs
“Oh yes they can!” A positive approach to toileting, busting the myths that surround so many of our children with additional needs.

12 October 2023, 7-8:30pm
How to manage your child’s bedwetting
Understanding why children wet at night, what the treatments are and how to work out what is best for your child.

For more information about these sessions or Eric, please visit their website.