
Thursday 26th September, 2024

Forest School Funding (26/09/24)

Morris Funding for Forest School

Apley Wood Primary Academy would like to thank Morris Property for their generous donation of £250 towards our Forest School program.

Their support is invaluable in helping us create engaging and educational outdoor experiences for our students. The funds will be used to enhance our Forest School activities, providing our children with opportunities to connect with nature, develop practical skills, and foster a love for the environment.

We are truly grateful for their commitment to our community and the positive impact they have on our students’ learning experiences.


Please see the link to the Shropshire Star article where you can find more details about Morris property’s generosity.

Morris Property supports forest school learning with a donation | Shropshire Star

Wednesday 25th September, 2024

Start and End of day reminder (25.09.24)


**A Reminder to Parents and Carers**

The Safeguarding Squad has observed that during the waiting periods at the start and end of the day, children—whether they are students or siblings—are using the pirate ship, trim trail, gym equipment, and other resources in the Reception playground.

Please remember that there are no staff members supervising these areas during these times. We kindly ask that children DO NOT use any of the equipment or resources and wait on the playground with their parents or carers, or with friends if walking in by themselves, until the doors open at 8:45 for a prompt start to the school day.

Children arriving to school on Bicycles or scooters are also reminded to dismount and walk with their bike or scooter once coming through the gates and entering school ground. While we still wish to encourage our students to keep fit and come to school on their bikes and scooters, It is unsafe to have children riding through the playground during these busy times of the day.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Apley Wood Primary Academy Staff Team.

Friday 20th September, 2024

Lost property

We already have a large amount of jumper, cardigans and coats which have been found on the playground or left on the pegs by the hall.  Please put your child’s name in their belongings so that we are able to return them when they have been left outside.

Thank you for your continued support.   If you are already missing items, please check the lost property items which are now in the entrance by the main school office.

Friday 13th September, 2024

Phonics week beginning 9th September

This week we have started our RWI phonics lessons. The children have been practicing writing and reading the following sounds:

m   a   s   d

Please watch the videos below with your child and practice the sounds.






Tuesday 10th September, 2024

Year 6 pupil Charity Fundraising

We are all very proud of James in year 6 who has completed some charity fundraising over the summer for TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre).  We worked with TAARC in school last year who delivered workshops about racism and black history month for our children and James chose to pogo stick for 30 minutes to raise additional funds for them.  Heather Reid from TAARC, came into school this week to present James with a certificate and found out that James is going to continue doing sponsored events for them, with a sponsored walk.  If you would like to sponsor James, please click on the link below:

https://www.justgiving.com/page/blossom-lake-1726168256377?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Fblossom-lake-1726168256377&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share  James has said “I am walking the 14 miles of the Silkin way in Telford. This is to raise money for the charity TAARC who go into schools to provide workshops and support children who are facing racism. After having experienced racism, I want to raise awareness and make sure we stop racism full stop in our schools so other children don’t have to experience it. Please donate and help me make a difference.#StopRacismFullstop.”


Friday 6th September, 2024

Year 5 – A Great Start!

We just wanted to say a huge well done to all of Year 5 for their amazing attitudes to their learning this week.

We’ve had some great lessons, discussions, some amazing signs of brilliant teamwork throughout the week and lots of fun too!

From working in teams in outdoor PE with Mr Mountford, learning about databases in Computing and starting a dance in Indoor PE, to starting our learning about the Ancient Greeks and drawing our own mythical creatures in Love to Read, it’s been a fantastic start to the year!

Wednesday 4th September, 2024

Behaviour Policy and new Behaviour Curriculum

Behaviour and attitudes is a key feature of school life about which there should be a clear, shared understanding between the Head Teacher, all staff, parents/carers, governors and children.

We have high expectations of behaviour at Apley Wood Primary Academy and are proud that pupil behaviour and our calm environment are regularly commented on positively by visitors to school.  Following pupil voice activities, parental feedback and collaboration with our Reach2 cluster schools over the last academic year, we have developed our positive behaviour curriculum which defines our high expectations very clearly.  Staff have received training on our new behaviour curriculum and it is being launched with our children through classroom activities and assemblies.  You can see the updated behaviour policy and behaviour curriculum on the policies page of the website.  If you would like a paper copy, please contact the office. We value parental support in maintaining our high expectations and ensuring that school remains a calm, purposeful and safe learning environment for everyone.