Snow Day!

We believe that snow is a treasured childhood experience and as such we encourage those that can and wish to to spend the day building a snowman, sledging, making snowballs and drinking hot chocolate. For those that stay inside today, here are some activities to keep your child learning and engaged:

Maths: What makes 10?

Click on the link below if you wish to print. If not, you can view the below picture and complete on paper.





Practise writing words and sentences linked to snow:

It is wet.

It is fun.


It is cold.

It is crunchy. 

It is snow.

(These sentences get progressively harder. Not all children have learnt the ow sound. Please challenge your child at their own level. We do now expect the children to write words that contain sounds they have not been taught. When writing, the children will write phonetically and may not spell the words correctly e.g. It is crunchee.)




Click on the link and practise spelling words. Ask your child to show you their Fred Fingers. All children have been taught the ch, th, sh, ng and nk sounds. If your child recognises more sounds then they may wish to click on those.


Have a wonderful and safe Friday and we shall see you next week.


Thank you for your continued support,


The EYFS Team.