End of Autumn Term

We are incredibly proud of all the children’s achievements this term term.

We would like to also thank you all for your support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dates for Forest school and PE are to follow shortly.

The EYFS Team

Weekly Update – Autumn 2 – Week 6

Today, the children in Base 2 practised their rolling skills. Check it out…

Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words.

Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Use the small speed sound cards or QR codes previously sent home to teach individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.


This week, the children learnt to recognise squares and rectangles and also learnt that a square is a special rectangle.

Home challenges:
Can you go on a shape hunt to find rectangles and squares? Can you describe their properties? Can you remember the properties of a circle and a triangle?


This half term, our topic is Wonderful World. During the half term, the children will be developing their understanding of Seasons and the changes within nature, which will lead us up to Winter and Christmas.
This week the children have been reading Poles Apart.

Within the story, one of the characters repeatedly asks to eat a picnic. During our adult focus time in the afternoons, the children are making their own sandwich as this is a fun way to finish our exciting term and also develops their fine motor skills.

Please ensure your slips are complete in order for your child to take part in this activity.


Don’t forget your Christmas Jumper tomorrow and to come in to school in PE kits for the Santa Dash on Friday. On Friday, children will also need to bring appropriate clothes to access our new forest area and have a visit from Santa.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.


Santa Dash Friday 9th December

Friday 9th December the whole school will be taking part in a Christmas themed assault course. All children will need to make sure they are in PE kits and have suitable footwear on so they can take part. Santa Dash 22 Primary Timetable.

If children have Christmas hats then please get involved and bring them along.

Weekly Update – Week 5 – Autumn 2

Today, the children in Base 1 practised log rolls. This was quite challenging. Ask your child to show you their roll at home.


Forest School
This week, Base 2 have enjoyed their turn playing games outdoors with the parachute. We enjoyed making different natural resources dance, turned the parachute into a mushroom working together as a team, played cat and mouse and also sang different nursery rhymes using the parachute to add actions.

Character Education
This week, the children have revisited the Pantosaurus story and song. Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

The website link can be found below, which contains the Pantosaurus song the children watched today:



Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words. Ways in which you can support your child are to:
1. Use the small speed sound cards or QR codes previously sent home to teach individual sounds your child finds difficult.
2. Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
3. When your child is confident reading aloud. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.

This week, the children are learning to add one more and one less.

Home challenges:
Sing 5 Green Bottles to support your child’s understanding of 1 less. 

This half term, our topic is Wonderful World. During the half term, the children will be developing their understanding of Seasons and the changes within nature, which will lead us up to Winter and Christmas.
This week the children have been reading Lost and Found. Check out our Igloo role play.




Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Weekly Update – Autumn 2 – Week 4

Today, the children in Base 2 undertook football-based activities to celebrate the start of the World Cup. They completed a round robin which included beat the goalie! Mr Mountford was very impressed with their scoring skills.

Forest School
Base 1 really enjoyed playing games outdoors with the parachute. We enjoyed making different natural resources dance, turned the parachute into a mushroom working together as a team, played cat and mouse and also sang different nursery rhymes using the parachute to add actions.

Character Education
This week the children helped two puppets Snappy and Squeak resolve their argument and gave suggestions for how they could make friends again. Snappy and Squeak will stay in Reception to remind children of their suggestions if they ever need support to resolve their conflicts within their play,

Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words. Ways in which you can support your child are to:

Use the small speed sound cards or QR codes previously sent home to teach individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading allowed. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.

This week, the children are learning to make shapes with 4 and 5 to support their understanding that even though they can make different arrangement the number stays the same. The children are also learning to add one more to numbers 1 to 4.

Home challenges:
Sing the song 1 Elephant went out to play to support the concept of adding one more.


This half term, our topic is Wonderful World. During the half term, the children will be developing their understanding of Seasons and the changes within nature, which will lead us up to Winter and Christmas.
This week the children have been reading Tidy.

During our adult focus time in the afternoons, the children have been developing their skill of retelling stories and narratives in their own words. In small groups, children have role played what they would say to the character Badger about what he has done when he has tidied up.



Finally thank you to all those that could attend our Parent Phonics Workshop today.

Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.


Weekly Update – Week 3 – Autumn 2

On Wednesday, due to a quick change of plans, we were able to continue with our PE lesson and Base 1 undertook an exciting football-based session to kick off the World Cup starting next week. Mr Mountford set up a range of round robin activities such as dribbling and beat the goalie! Base 2 will have the opportunity to do the same next week in their PE session.

Forest School
There was no Forest school this week.

Character Education
This week, to raise awareness of Anti Bullying Day and to promote friendship week, the children spent time learning how to be a good friend and how to instil positivity around them. The children really understand the true value of friendship and it has been a joy to observe so many acts of kindness e.g., helping a friend with their coat or playing with other children who may appear to be on their own. Hopefully these acts of kindness continue for their grown-ups at home.

Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words. Ways in which you can support your child are to:

  • Use the small speed sound cards or QR codes previously sent home to teach individual sounds your child finds difficult.
  • Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.

This week, the children continued to develop their understanding of the numbers 4 and 5.

Home challenges:
Ask your child to show you different ways to make 4 and 5. E.g. Using tangerines ask them to show you five. Questions: How do you see 5? How else do you see 5? 1 and 4, 2 and 3 etc. 

This half term, our topic is Wonderful World. During the half term, the children will be developing their understanding of Seasons and the changes within nature, which will lead us up to Winter and Christmas.
This week we read Don’t Hog the Hedge. The children really enjoyed learning about animals that hibernate.

During our adult focus time in the afternoons, the children undertook a science experiment. From reading our story we learnt hedgehogs build a nest to keep warm. The children were asked to predict what would happen to the two different water bottles if one was covered in blankets and leaves and the other was left uncovered. Most children correctly predicted the covered water bottle would reserve heat and the other would become cool. At the end of the day the children observed if their predictions were accurate. This highlighted the importance of nest/den building for creatures who hibernate.

There is a [parent Phonics workshop next Wednesday 23rd November in the school hall at 2.30pm for those that can attend.

Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Week 4 PE/Forest School

Wednesday 23rd November

PE/Forest School

This Wednesday, Base 2 will be having PE and will need to come to school in their PE kit. Base 1 will be having Forest School and will need to come dressed in their forest school clothing. Please remember wellies and to label all clothing.


Many thanks,

The EYFS Team