Spring 1 – Week 6 – Weekly Update

Base 1 developed their ball rolling and team building skills.


Forest School

This week, Base 2 used natural resources to create a map of the different settings in the story Little Red Riding Hood. Can you spot Little Red Riding Hood’s cottage and the path through the deep, dark woods to Grandma’s house?


Character Education

This week, we are celebrating Healthy Body and Healthy Mind week.

We have also taken part in Safer Internet day and the children learnt the importance of staying safe when using their iPad. It would be very beneficial to discuss this again at home with your child.



Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words.

Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.


This week, we are learning to know the different ways to make 10.


This half term, our topic is Into the Woods. During the half term, the children will be reading a range of stories e.g. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gruffalo and Little Red Riding Hood.

This week we are reading Little Red Riding Hood. During each daily reading session, the children are challenged to answer a range of questions which develop their comprehension skills and vocabulary.

During our Adult Focus time in the afternoon, the children will learn about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and will create artwork based on his style. Watch this space for photo updates!



Please can all children bring their library book back to school each Friday to be changed. If your child has not been taking home a library book that is because our system still shows that they have one at home. Please come and speak to us if they have been misplaced or if you have any concerns.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

Spring 1 – Week 3 – Weekly Update

Today, the children in Base 2 warmed their bodies by playing a game of traffic lights. First they put their seatbelts on and then moved their bodies depending on the colour cone they were shown, this included going backwards/reversing.

The children were then given a time limit to collect all the tennis balls from around the hall and put them all back in the centre hoop.  This developed their ability to negotiate space, work as a team and follow instructions. Mr Mountford then called different colours and the children had to place their ball into the correct coloured hoop.


Forest School

This week, Base 1 sat around the campfire and reminded themselves how to keep safe. They read the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears and thought of words to describe Daddy, Mummy and Baby Bears’ chair.  The children then had to find one object each from the Forest School area and sorted them  e.g. hard and soft. It was made extra exciting this week due to the snow!


Character Education

This week, we have been learning about Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year. The children learnt the meaning of a tradition and were asked to  compare the similarities and differences between how we celebrate New Year and how others around the world celebrate Lunar New Year.



Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words.

Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.


This week, we are learning to recognise and represent 8.

Home challenges:
Where can you spot 8 in your environment? How do you know there is 8? What is one more than 8? What is 1 less than 8? How can we make 8? Use concrete resources e.g. cubes, lego, coins. I can see that 4 and 4 make 8. How else can we make 8? How can we record 8? 


This half term, our topic is Into the Woods. During the half term, the children will be reading a range of stories e.g. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gruffalo and Little Red Riding Hood.

This week the children are learning about Lunar New Year and will have lots of planned and child initiated opportunities to develop their understanding of this celebration throughout the week. They will  learn the reason behind children being given red envelopes and also make a red envelope for themselves. Children will be encouraged to create dragons using their cutting and sticking skills and also decorate lanterns amongst many other activities.



Please complete the letter sent home regarding the nurse’s visit next week. Thank you for those who attending our DEAR session


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Spring 1 – Week 2 – Weekly Update

Today, the children in Base 1 practised their rolling and throwing skills. Check out our different stations.


Forest School

This week, Base 2 sat around the campfire and reminded ourselves how to keep safe. We read the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears. We thought of words to describe Daddy, Mummy and Baby Bears’ chair.  The children then had to find one object each from our Forest School area and then sorted them into two criteria e.g. hard and soft.

Character Education

This week, we have read the story You Choose by Nick Sharratt. The children were asked to share their opinion and tell others what they like and dislike. The children listened well to one another.



Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words.

Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.


This week, we are learning to recognise and represent 7.

Home challenges:
Where can you spot 7 in your environment? How do you know there is 7? What is one more than 7? What is 1 less than 7? How can we make 7? Use concrete resources e.g. cubes, lego, coins. I can see that 5 and 2 make 7. How else can we make 7? How can we record 7? 


This half term, our topic is Into the Woods. During the half term, the children will be reading a range of stories e.g. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gruffalo and Little Red Riding Hood. We shall also be learning about Chinese New Year.

This week the children are continuing to read Goldilocks and the Three bears. You may wish to also read this at home. We have challenged the children to develop their measuring skills and the children have discussed then weighed all three of the bears bowls to see which was the heaviest and which bowl was the lightest. Daddy Bear’s bowl was the biggest and it was full of feathers. This led to the misconception that due to its size it was the heaviest when actually it was Baby Bears because the bowl was made from marble.





Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Spring 1 – Week 1 – Weekly Update

Today, the children in Base 2 practised their rolling and throwing skills. Check out our different stations.


Thank you to all the parents signing reading diaries. Sound Blending books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words.

Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud. Encourage them to read in their head.

Please ensure your child’s Sound Blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.


This week, we are learning to recognise and represent 6.

Home challenges:
Where can you spot 6 in your environment? How do you know there is 6? What is one more than 6? What is 1 less than 6? How can we make six? Use concrete resources e.g. cubes, lego, coins. I can see that 4 and 2 make 6. How else can we make 6? 


This half term, our topic is Into the Woods. During the half term, the children will be reading a range of stories e.g. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gruffalo and Little Red Riding Hood. We shall also be learning about Chinese New Year.

This week the children are reading Goldilocks and the Three bears. You may wish to also read this at home.

We have enjoyed undertaking a Science experience. We asked the children to predict what would happen to the different Gummy Bears when left in water for 3 days. Keep a look at for our results and conclusion.



Letters have been sent home regarding a visit from the school nurse.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.


Spring Forest School and PE

Please see below for the new Forest School and PE days.



Week 1:

Base 2 PE Thursday

Base 1 Forest School Thursday


Week 2:

Base 1 PE Thursday

Base 2 Forest School Thursday


And so on.


Thank you,


The EYFS Team

Parent DEAR Time Sessions

During the autumn term we held DEAR time sessions (Drop Everything And Read) for you to come into school and read with your children. Due to the success of these and how much the children enjoyed it, we will be holding DEAR time open door sessions again in the spring term for you to come into school and spend some relaxed time with your child at the end of the school day and either listen to them read, read to them or even read together.

Each session will take place between 2:55pm and 3:15pm.

Please see the dates below for when your child’s year group will be holding their DEAR time open door session.

EYFS – Wednesday 18th January

Year 1 – Tuesday 24th January

Year 2 – Wednesday 1st March

Year 3 – Wednesday 1st February

Year 4 – Tuesday 14th February

Year 5 – Tuesday 7th March

Year 6 – Wednesday 22nd March