Senses Week

This week, we learnt about our senses and enjoyed exploring the provision. We were encouraged to: cut herbs to make our own soup; explore the smell of different spices; mix paint colours to observe what happens and much, much more! Well done Reception!

Learning Detectives

This week, the children have started to take it in turns to become a Learning Detective! Two children are chosen daily; they are then responsible for spotting super independent learning and then report this back to the class at the end of the day. We will continue this throughout the year.

Forest School and PE

This week, the children had their first experience of Forest School/P.E. Base 1 enjoyed going for a walk and having a picnic, whilst Base 2 enjoyed exploring different ways of travelling. The children have been working hard within Literacy and have drawn and labelled pictures of their family. Within Maths, the children have been counting and even writing numerals. We are very impressed with all their hard efforts. Well done, Reception!

First Week in Reception

The children have settled in really well and are beginning to form good relationships.  Our topic this half term is Marvellous me.  Within Literacy, they enjoyed drawing pictures and sharing information about their favourite things at home and have also practised writing their name. During Maths, they practised matching quantities to the correct numeral. Overall, we are very proud of all the children’s efforts and we are excited about the term ahead.

Giant Marble Run!

Reception have had a busy afternoon exploring gravity as part of our STEM week! We worked with Mr Smith to make a giant marble run! We explored lots of different concepts and found that the more tubes we added the longer it took the ball to come out of the other end!

Young Writers Competition

It was a great surprise to come to school this morning with fantastic news for some of our Reception children. The children entered a My First Riddle poem last half term and some of their riddles have been chosen to be published in My First Riddle-Rhymes From The West Midlands. The children had to use their five senses to help them describe a familiar object. It was a great activity and really inspired the children with reading and writing. We cant wait to get our hands on a copy of the book! Well done to all children for their entries!

Amazing ICT

Have a look at the informative video Mr Smith from amazing ICT has made regarding Reception’s recent work on Purple Mash.

Bee fun!

We enjoyed using Purple Mash on the ipads with Mr Smith. We used the program Bee Fun. We had an aerial view of the school and had to control the Bumble bee using arrows to move him around the school. We used our team ant skills to work with a partner.

Home Farm

Reception have had a lovely day on their school trip at Home Farm. The children had the chance to feed the lambs, visit the milking parlour where we could see a working robot milking the cows, we fed the piglets, sheep, cows and ducks. A very busy but exciting day! Farmer Ben was very impressed with all the children’s knowledge on farm animals.