Sharing work

We would love to share all the things you have been doing at home on the Reception News page. If you are happy for us to post your child’s work / photos of things they have been doing and making online, then please email photos to the following emails:

Base 1 –

Base 2 –

We will aim to upload them daily in the week; please check back regularly so that your child can see what their friends have been up to.


Writing Challenge

Each week the reception children complete two writing activities in a small group with their teacher. To help continue this we will be setting a weekly writing challenge for you to do at home. This weeks is based on Jack and the Beanstalk. Mrs Parrish has shared some lovely story links already if you don’t have a copy of the book. We would like you to have a go at writing about all the things Jack takes from the giant e.g. He took a hen. He took a harp. Some versions of the story have him taking different things, so it will be lovely to see the variety of ideas we get back. You might also like to have a go at writing your own version of the story.  Remember to use your phonics if you aren’t sure how to spell a word.



Jack and The Beanstalk

This week, the children would have been reading Jack and The Beanstalk. This classic Fairy Tale can still be enjoyed by the whole family. If you have access to the book, you could talk about the main characters and plot and even role play sections of the story. You can also find a link to the story below, alongside a challenge sheet for all those Jack and the Beanstalk enthusiasts. Enjoy!


Twinkl Home Leaning Hub

Each day you’ll find a new set of daily activities to get involved with. Qualified Twinkl teachers will provide book readings, live lessons, positive news updates and more. They will be bringing you activities to help fill your days and offer some much-needed variety. Activities will be listed the day before – giving you enough time to get prepped and set up for the next day’s learning.

Find your own approach. Don’t worry about recreating school at home. But – if you’re looking for ideas, or a way of adding a bit of routine into your day, then take a look.

See link below:


Classroom Secrets Online Resources

Please find below a useful link to the Classroom Secrets website. They are providing free online interactive games for all year groups in a range of subjects including Maths, Reading, Phonics, SPaG and Spelling.

There are also some free Learning Videos for a range of subjects for different year groups:


Live Read Write Inc Phonics Lessons twice a day

If you subscribe, for free, to Ruth Miskin Training on Youtube you can access daily speed sound lessons.

If your child reads red books access set 1 speed sound lessons.

If your child reads green/purple/pink books access set 1 and set 2 speed sound lessons.

If your child read orange/yellow books access set 2 and 3 speed sound lessons.

If your child reads blue/grey books access set 3 speed sound lessons.

Reception Phonics Resources to Support Home Learning

Below are links to an online activity with words which children should be able to read by sounding out, or by using ‘fred in their head.’ Please try and practise daily to help them maintain their phonic skills whilst we are closed. Each phonics group has a different set to practise. Your child will know which adult is their teacher for phonics. Click the link below to go to the words – you may have to register to access but it is free.

Miss Smith’s Group

Mrs Yale and Mrs Parrish’s Group

Miss Holbrook’s Group

Ms Wilson’s Group